Chapter Thirteen: Maddened And Insane •EDITED•

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In this day and age there was almost no ailment that couldn't be treated but Corey had been sick for years. That was what put fear in her heart-the possibility that he wouldn't ever recover.

It was maddening.

Drowning in an unending tide of emotion and terror was maddening, and purposefully trapping herself in an abandoned underground bunker was insane.

A part of her had forgotten the real reason she was here, but she knew. She was fishing for answers while being the bait.

She now remembered why her guards had tried to dissuade her from doing this, it was madness. But again, most already thought that she was crazy.

True to what was expected of her, Dawn felt herself lose her mind. Her hands wove into her hair as her fingers rubbed circles round her scalp in an attempt to calm herself down.

The sound of dripping water echoing off in the distance-previously the only thing that alerted her of passing time in the near silent room-was slowly dragging her mind into a state of constant frustration despite her efforts to stay passive.

The drops seemed to bounce against the four walls that surrounded her, turning into a steady stream of noise that pierced into her eardrums till she got tired of the unending rhythm and let out a loud scream.

Finally the pain and confusion died down, the bubble of monotonicity that surrounded her popped with a burst of imaginary sound. She slumped down in her chair, her head pounding, fingers numb and limbs exhausted.

The world seemed alive again-and loud.

Holding unto her chin with a trembling hand, she stared blankly at the monitor in front of her, finding herself lost in a random train of thoughts as she wondered why she hadn't upgraded her tech to the holographic model. The system she had now was based off late 21st century and early 22nd designs-things from that era comforted her in an unexplainable way.

Dawn's dazed stare quickly turned into a glare as a not so unfamiliar voice snickered in her mind: I'm sure there's just something about typing on air that simply annoys you.

She scowled and pulled her fingers away from her face swivelling in her office chair to face the smiling woman that now stood behind her.

She came! Dawn rejoiced triumphantly in her heart and took in the sight before her, slightly afraid that it was another hallucination. Her guest appeared right out of thin air after all.

Soft curls of deep red brushed gently against the remake of a 21st century stethoscope that hung freely off the female's neck, and with a sullen gaze Dawn let her eyes fall down to the pale hands flaunting nails dressed in a fine red polish-one hand underneath the other in front of the woman's lab coat.

Get out of my head, Rhea Lee. The leader of the Cipher Squad gave the red-haired lady a final once-over, tempted to zap the smirk off her face with a taser.

"Oh, c'mon Dee." Rhea Lee stretched her hands wide with a sly smile pulling at the corners of her lips, the lights reflecting off the red that coated them as she took a cautious step forward. "I come in peace."

Cipher Code {complete}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें