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You took a deep breath as you walked up to the door. You were petrified of getting another job, after how the last one went. Everything was falling apart and you had hoped this job would be good. Before you could get your thoughts together, someone swung open the door furiously.

Your eyes were met with what seemed to be an angry gum ball machine. He stoped in front of you awkwardly.
"Oh, sorry!" He apologized, calming down.
"It's fine" you smiled. "I'm benson, park manager!" He said sticking out his hand. You tried the best you could to not act nervous and shake this gum ball machines hand but your hand was really sweaty. Well I guess it was your turn to speak.
"I-I'm (y/n) and I'm here to apply for a job" you
Managed to say. Benson looked shocked for a brief second before he smiled a big smile.

"Sure come inside!" He said, stepping back inside and opening the door wider.

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