Thankful || The End

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Soft sunlight poured through the blinds on the window, the curtains half shut and swaying slowly to the gentle breeze that blew through the partially opened window pane. Below the window, wrapped in soft blankets and a warm embrace were the two boys. Safe and happy, and finally together. Taehyung woke before Jungkook, keeping still to make sure he didn't wake the younger who was sleeping soundly on his chest. He looked so calm, so precious. His soft cheeks glowing lightly with the sunlight that poured down on them both. His hair slightly ruffled, dark locks falling over his eyes just enough to hide them from view. Taehyung pulled a hand up slowly, cupping the younger's cheek and rubbing his thumb lightly over the peak of his cheek. His skin was so smooth, like a baby's. Incredibly pure, perfect skin. Every inch of him was perfection, even if he couldn't see it himself. Taehyung frowned softly, inhaling before closing his eyes and leaning his head back into the pillow. He knew he would do everything in his power to continually prove how perfect, how beautiful Jungkook was. In every way. 

Within a few minutes, the younger woke up, yawning softly before looking to the older and smiling with his bright bunny smile. Taehyung lifted his head again, smiling to the younger. "Sleep well, love?"

Jungkook blushed, closing his eyes and curling back into the older before nodding with a small sigh. "I did. Thanks to you.~"

Taehyung smiled widely at the boy in his arms, pulling him closer and pecking his nose. "You're adorable. I love you."

"I love you too~.. babe." he spoke the pet name quickly, blushing brighter and planting his face in the pillow in an attempt to prevent Taehyung from seeing. The older blushed, laughing softly.

"Baby~ don't hide." he pouted, puffing his bottom lip out and lifting the younger's head back up with his finger. He smiled again once he could see the boy's face, tapping his nose happily with his finger. "Better~!" he cheered, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed only to hear a strained whine coming from behind him. He craned his neck around, tilting his head at Jungkook who was now folded over on the bed with a pitiful expression on his face, staring up at him.

"What?" he asked, tilting his head back to normal and standing to turn around and face him. 

"It's cold without yooouuuu.." he frowned, rolling to the side of the bed closest to Taehyung before sitting on the bedside and staring up at him.

"We can cuddle later, love. Seokjin hyung will be back soon, I'm sure he stayed the night at Namjoon hyung's place." he stated with a smirk, rolling his eyes slightly. They both laughed, shaking their heads before Jungkook finally decided to get up and get dressed as well. They freshened up before hearing the door open and shut 'quietly,' knowing Seokjin was now home. Entering the living room, they were met by a surprised and somewhat disheveled hyung.

"You're both up early.. why aren't you resting?" he scolded, but more in a nervous tone.  They shrugged before Jungkook raised an eyebrow and stepped towards his eldest hyung and pulled the collar of his hoodie down more on his neck to reveal a reddish mark. Taehyung noticed it too, and the younger two exchanged glances before chuckling to themselves, leaving a confused Seokjin momentarily.

"What's this, hyung? Did you fall?" Jungkook teased playfully, knowing full well what it was. The realization was obvious on the older's face when he blushed a bright red, eye's widened as he stepped away and shooed Jungkook's hand away from his neck, fixing the hoodie back.

"Yah! That's not for you to know about, you're too young!" he hissed with a frown, trying to hide the blush.

"Ah! So he admits it. It's alright, hyung. Your secret is safe with us." Taehyung added, giggling gleefully. "And Namjoon hyung." he added quietly, causing Seokjin pause in his hurried footsteps. He was walking quickly to his room until he heard that.

"Taehyung-ah! Hush!" he scolded, throwing a slipper at the younger that he had managed to grab from the nearby shoe mat.

The younger two laughed at his reactions, Jungkook falling onto the couch with a wide bunny-grin. Taehyung finally regained his breath, falling onto the couch beside Jungkook and exhaling dramatically. "If he's not in love with Namjoon hyung, I'm not living." He stated, rolling his head back onto the couch with a sigh.

Jungkook tilted his head, looking to Taehyung with a more serious expression. "What about us? What are we?"

"In love."
Taehyung stated without hesitation, turning his full attention to Jungkook. "At least, I know I am."

Jungkook smiled widely again, blushing. "I am too."

"Stay with me? Forever?"
Taehyung asked softly, his eyes full of passion and pure dedication.

"Always." the younger answered, leaning closer to place a soft kiss on the older's lips, smiling brightly after. Taehyung pulled him into an embrace, keeping him close. "I love you, Jungkook. I swear, I always will."

"And I you, love."


tHe EnD~~~~

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