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Slowly, the light began to flood the room again. It was softer this time, giving the boy's eyes time to adjust. He craned his neck to the side, glancing around the room. It was a bright white hospital type room, much like the one he had been in before. But this time, he felt different about it. It wasn't confining, it wasn't scary. He felt.. safe. Forgetting about the grip that had been on his arm, he felt a steady hand placed on his shoulder and jumped slightly as he turned to see who it was. To his surprise, it was another image of himself. Yet this time, it was different. Rather than being scared of the male before him, he straightened up and spoke.

"What is this place?"

"Don't you recognize it?" the boy responded, allowing a soft and closed mouth smile to form on his lips.

"Yes.. but why am I here?"

"We both know why, you just need to remember."


"Remember." he spoke again, gently yet firmly as he placed his finger on Taehyung's forehead. The blonde haired boy's eyes shut, memories flooding his mind until they were deafening. One stood out to him the most, bringing him back to the first time he had ever been in a hospital with a friend, but not for his own injuries. It was for Jungkook.

Over six years ago, around midnight on a chilly fall night. Jungkook was on his way to help Taehyung at his studio where he was recording a few song covers. Walking down the dark grey sidewalks, he turned to cross the street. It all happened too quickly, within seconds. Screeching tires and a sudden thud against the cold asphalt, followed by blood welling up around the boy's body. Screams, cries.. sirens and darkness.

It was Hoseok who was alerted first of the incident, who in turn informed the others of what had occurred. When Taehyung received the call, he slid from his chair and buried his face in his hands as heavy sobs left his body. He was shaking uncontrollably, barely able to breathe from the panic that had risen within his body. With reddened eyes and nose, he stood on shaky legs and rushed to the hospital where the youngest had been taken. Everyone else was there, solemn expressions on each of their faces. It Taehyung's heart apart as he stepped slowly over to the boy's bedside. He was wrapped up in countless bandages, his arm in a sling and his head bandaged with spots of blood peeking through the thick wrap. His leg was in a heavy cast, suspended a bit above the bed in a sort of sling. The IV in his arm filling his system with the fluids to keep his body from shutting down on itself.

"How could this happen.. it's my fault." he whispered, the brokenness in his voice showing through suppressed tears. The others remained silent, though Seokjin walked to his side and embraced the younger who in turn began sobbing into his shoulder. He couldn't help it, he was falling apart.

"Sh, rest now." Came the voice again, but not that of Seokjin's. It was his own. His other self. Before he knew it, he had reopened his eyes and was back on the bench beside Jungkook who was now curled into his side. Taehyung felt tears welling up in his eyes again, trying to bite them back to the best of his ability. Unable to control it, he let out a sob which caused his chest to convulse momentarily. Jungkook lifted his head, staring at the older with a confused expression through the sleepy gaze he still wore.

"Hyung..? Are you alright?"

Taehyung didn't speak, he simply wrapped the younger in a tight embrace and exhaled deeply on his shoulder before sobbing once, and twice more. 

"Shh, hyung.. please, talk to me? What happened?"

The older regained some of his strength, lifting his head from the younger's shoulder before looking him in the eyes. Offering a weak smile, he shook his head. "Yah, it's nothing. Don't worry."

Jungkook sighed, knowing the older was lying. He shook his head but left Taehyung to his own thoughts, leaning back in his chair before he texted Seokjin to ask him to unlock the door. Within seconds, he got a reply and heard the quick click of the latch. The younger two both stood, walking inside quickly. Jungkook stopped to answer the oldest's questions, whereas Taehyung walked quickly to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He slid down the door, staring up at the ceiling. He didn't know what to do, nor what to think anymore. What he did know was this; that first night when Jungkook was in the hospital, was the night when he realized one thing.

He was in love with the boy.



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