Chapter one

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Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoy it's me again and I welcome you to my first ever ChanBaek book.

I hope you enjoy this XD

And small warning: English ain't my first language so my grammar is probably way off but eh

Let's begin this!


Baekhyun clutched his bag with one hand as he sprinted through the street that was slowly filling up with people.

The cold October air hit him harsh in the face and his ears were starting hurt because he had forgotten to put on a hat before he left home.

Baekhyun abruptly stopped in order not to get hit by a speeding car and make him even later.

More cars followed after the first one and Baekhyun sighed, he snuggled into his red and yellow scarf.

Finally, it was safe to pass the road and he began his sprinting journey to school.

Well, he had to stop at one place first.

He rounded a corner and jogged up some stairs, he then slowed down and walked up to a house with a lot of plants, most of them were dead, surrounding it.

He picked up a small rock and threw it one of the windows, he cupped his hands around his mouth "Yah! Chanyeol we're late!"

To his surprise, the front door slammed open and a tall boy with red hair, that was tucked under a beanie, walked up to him and grabbed him by the neck.

"You should have left me a message that we were going to be late." Chanyeol dragged him down the stone stairs.

Baekhyun's cheeks had gotten even redder "Let me go." He mumbled against his scarf.

Chanyeol chuckled and let go of him "I see you're wearing the Gryffindor scarf Sehun bought for you."

"Well duh,  Sehun used his six weeks of his weekly allowance to buy us all a scarf." Baekhyun rubbed his neck.

The taller hummed "Okay, then I will start wearing mine so we can be matching best friends. " Chanyeol smiled at him.

A stabbing pain shot through Baekhyun's heart and he tried his best to smile back.

Yup, he would always just be Chanyeol's best friend. Nothing else.

The two finally reached the school where they sadly had to part since they shared no classes together except for Chemistry.

"See you in lunch Baek!" Chanyeol waved as he disappeared into the boy's locker room.

Baekhyun turned around to find his locker to put away the stuff he didn't need.

He then began to slowly daydream about random stuff.


"AAAH!" he screamed and slammed close his locker, he spun around to see who in the world had said his name.

His eyes landed on Jongdae who's face was red and he was shaking. Probably trying his best not to laugh.

Baekhyun sighed "You can laugh all you want."

"I'm not going to laugh." Jongdae breathed out, trying so hard to stay calm, he cleared his throat "But please save your voice for vocal practice after lunch."

With that Jongdae vanished down the hall and Baekhyun swear he heard him burst out laughing when he entered his classroom.

Baekhyun grabbed his phone out from his back pocket and checked the Time, his eyes widened "Fuck." He cursed to himself.

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