"You're a moron Forth, you never listen..."

"I don't? Who said fine lets? " I say angrily.

"You said something before that too, and I never wanted to break up, you fu..."

Bas is crying, it takes a while to calm him down and finish his milk. We don't talk. He's getting drowsy. I check on Bee, there gonna be a while, the doctors busy, dam.

Beam tried to burp the baby, who threw up a little milk on him, he needs a new shirt. I go look for a clean tee. I turn and Beams there. He grabs me by the collar looking pissed.

"You're actually sleeping in her room?"


"You say not my business ill kick your ass."


"Everything about you is my business, dam it." He snaps.

"Wasn't it all just me?" I ask.

"What was?" He asks letting me go.

"All of this with us. We were drunk the first time and then I went after you, you never really said you wanted to right." I carried on quietly.

"You want a sweet love confession? That's not me." He's pissed.

"Do you even want an us Beam? Did you ever?" I finally asked it, the thing that bothered me most.

"How long have you been thinking this?"

"A while. I tell you all the time, you never say anything, I know it's not you so I never asked but, with this whole thing..."

"I told my father about you fucker. You try running from me now I know how to kill you and make it look like an accident."

And he's kissing me. Fuck I missed him. He pushes me back against the wall, but when my shoulder hits its serious pain.

"Shit, you went pale. How bad was that?"

"Really bad."

"When did you take pain killers?" he asks.

"It's not time for more yet. Shit that hurts."

He comes back with water. He wants to see the report I point to the shelf it's on, he's looking at it.

"It's a lot of bruising.... muscles ...will hurt a while... stiches ... fuck Forth 23."

I grab him with my good arm, hugging him around the waist.

"You told your dad?" his smells calming.

"You said make a choice, of course I was choosing you moron. I just ..... needed time to talk to him, he's scary. And I never agreed to any engagement dam it."

"What he say?"

"He isn't happy, said well talk later. At least he didn't disown me. Let go."

"Don't move Beam my shoulder hurts."

"Bastard." But he stops. "If you slept with her, you shoulder pain will be nothing..."

I smile holding him, god I missed him.

"She's my aunt." I finally tell him.

"Now you're lying to me you bastard." His voice is rising.

"She really is, and Bas well..." I tell him all of it.



"What?" he snaps.

"You have to stop swearing so much, baby's learn it."

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