"Law! Stop being a freaking whore! We've got places to be!" I yelled, and he turned back to me.

"Come on. Let me have some fun."

The siren reached for his pants, unzipping and pushing them below his ass. She groped him firmly with both of her hands, and he was extremely into it... Law kissed her again, and I knew he wouldn't leave willingly. I swam to the rock, climbing up and pulling Law's hair so his head moved away from the siren.

She moved away from him, standing and strolling up to me. I gulped, and she put her breasts on my chest while leaning in for a kiss. I tried moving my head back, but it landed, and she started taking my existence. To avoid being drained, I stuck my hand through her heart and gave her a few dark thoughts. She was distracted enough for me to move back, and Law stood up.

Law pulled up his pants and zipped them up, grabbing his soaked shirt from the ground. The siren walked back to him, twirling his hair between her fingers. Law kissed her, and she was greatly red while leaning in close to him. When they stopped, I sighed and grabbed onto Law's arm.

"We're going. We've got to make it to the castle," I told, yanking his arm. Null was watching everything from a distance. Law sighed, stepping beside me.

"Wait, you two are here to go to the castle? I'll bring you. You should've said so sooner. I thought you were threats, as I didn't hear about Lord Daespheak coming. I thought you might've been here to cause trouble," the siren explained, rubbing the back of her head. Law kissed her forehead, grinning. "Also, I get to stay with this hottie if I lead you all."

She grabbed onto Law, snuggling up with his body.

"Good. It'd be great so we don't get lured by any more sirens."

She nodded, closely holding Law and kissing him every once in a while. Null swam out to the rock, standing beside everyone. His cloak was drenched, dripping everywhere. It seemed heavy with all of the water. We swam to the next patch of marsh and traveled for a while.

After more songs and more mud, we finally reached the castle. It's a beautiful marble area where a real castle could be built easily, but it's just a clear and crystal pool. The water sparkled, and multiple mermaids and sirens were waiting around and chatting with each other. All were unclothed, as it's normal for them not to clothe themselves within their realm.

I walked along the rim of the pool, searching around for Adilyrm; the domain holder. Lustful eyes looked me over, but I chose to ignore. While I traveled the rim, Law caught my attention, so I turned back to him and the siren. The siren was kissing his cheek, and Law was blushing brightly.

"So, Dae, I'm going to depart from you for the time being. I'll see you later," Law quickly said, sprinting away with the siren before I could reply.

I sighed, and Null was the only one with me now. I kept walking, as it was a large pool. Really, really large. Null's cloak left a wet trail as we walked, as it had absorbed a good amount of water from the pond.

After a while, I spotted a shimmering red tail in the water, so I quickly ran to it. Adilyrm is the only mermaid with a crimson tail, so I recognized that it was her right away. She noticed my incoming presence, smiling though her blue eyes appeared a bit worried. I grinned, trying not to appear like I had some important business to go over. She used her arms to climb out of the pool, her tail splitting and slowly turning into a set of legs.

While she paced to me, her black hair that grazed her thighs swayed in the wind. When we both reached each other, she was trying to behave formally while I was trying to be casual.

"Hello, Lord Daespheak. What brings you to my domain?" She asked, looking me in the eyes and standing straight. I sighed, realizing I hadn't thought of what I'd do once I got this far. I wasn't sure if I wanted to date her yet.

A Demon's Quest for a LoverWhere stories live. Discover now