"Lets go" I say dragging him all the way home. As soon as we get inside he breaks down in tears. Yoongi comes rushing over to help. I tell Yoongi everything then he leaves to go talk to Jungkook.

Taehyung passed out on the couch by the time Yoongi comes back. I was sitting in the chair holding tightly onto a cup of coffee, images of Jungkook sitting naked in the bathtub filled with blood and a body in the corner flash through my head. I wasn't aware of what I was doing until my legs started burning and my hands were bleeding. I snapped back to reality and stood up.

"Hot hot hot hot" I yell, I was looking for the coffee cup then I realized it was in pieces on the floor. I look up and Yoongi had stopped in his tracks, he was looking at me in fear.

"You just- the mug- boom" he says failing to form a sentence. He runs to the kitchen and gets the first aid kit out from under the sink. He takes little shards from the mug out of my fingers then wraps them with bandages after stitching up the cuts. He had me go to bed so that I would feel better. He left after I fell asleep.

*Yoongi POV*

I watch him fall asleep then once he does I leave. I promised Jungkook I would come back and we talk. I didn't take the car because I was afraid the noise would wake Jimin and Taehyung up. I walked into the dark house and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch staring at the static on the Tv.

"Jungkook?" I say as I close the door behind me. He stands up and pushes me against the wall.

"Let's talk killer to killer" He says. I nod.

"Come, sit down on the couch" He says stepping away from me.

"You are not doing well" I say as I sit down on the couch.

"You think so? I thought I was doing well" He says. He stares at me for a few seconds then puts his hand on my thigh. He looks me in the eyes and leans in. He whispers in my ear.

"Kill me" he whispers.

"No. I can't. I don't want to" I say. He picks up a knife and puts it in my hands. He gets in the position where I am pressing with tip of the blade to his heart. I try to pull away but he is too strong. He starts yelling "kill me" over and over again. I keep saying no. I managed to pull away and get to the door but he picked me up and threw me out the window. Glass pierced my back as I lay on the sidewalk.

"Jungkook, please stop" I grunt as I struggle to get up.  A few people were gathering around. 

"Kill me! I can't do it myself" He yells. I ignored all the people staring. 

"Put the knife down" I yell. He pressed it to his chest and yelled no. I cough up a little blood and fall to the ground.

"Jungkook, Jimin still loves you but not in the way you want" I yell, I knew I wasn't helping but the truth hurts. 

"Please..." he says starting to cry.

"Jungkook stop" I yell as he slowly pushes the knife into his chest. My vision was getting a little blurry but I was fighting to stay awake and not pass out. He screams as blood starts spilling out of his chest.

"Jungkook no!" I yell as I crawl over to him. Blood was spilling down his chest. He collapses next to me and looks me in the eyes.

"Does he love me?" He asks.

"Yes, very much so" I say, he drives the knife more into his chest. We hear police sirens then he drives the rest of the blade into his chest. I sit there watching as he stop breathing and his face becomes emotionless. I tell one person all the details and they said that they had been here since the start. I thought I was going to die so I use the rest of my strength to get back home. I pound on the door and a frightened Taehyung answers the door. Jimin was cleaning up the mug but stopped when he saw my pale face and bloody clothes. 

"Jimin" I say as I collapse in front of him.

"Taehyung call and ambulance" He says sternly then he does so. Jimin held me in his arms as we waited.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Jungkook" I say, I was in too much pain to form words so I made a stabbing motion at my heart.

"He killed himself?" He says starting to cry. They arrive and flip me over onto my front side. Jimin could only watch. They pulled the glass out of my back, it hurt so much. I was gripping at the floor trying to find something to hold onto. I was used to pain since my parents tortured me but this was more than I could handle. I coughed up more blood then passed out.

*Jimin POV*

I was allowed to go in the ambulance with him. On the way to the hospital I could only stare at his back and at the doctors who were cleaning it up and looking for other injuries. They found that one internal organ was bleeding but it could be fixed easily so I was glad. He woke up a little and saw me. He reached his hand out and I held it. He passed out again. 

They got ready for the surgery and as I was waiting I saw Jungkook being brought in. I was allowed to see him before they cut him open. He looked so sad even though he was dead. I knew how much pain he was in but I never helped him. I felt like I was he one who caused himself to do this. They doctors told me he was only hurting more because Taehyung was similar to me and he could only see me in him which made him hurt more.

I was waiting in the other room again for hours. I leaned back and fell asleep to pass the time. 

It was hours later when someone woke me up to tell me that the surgery was done and that I could go see him. I walked into the room and saw him sitting up with his eyes open. He looked at me but didn't smile. The doctors left us alone so we could talk.

"I'm sorry Jimin, I couldn't stop him from doing it, please forgive me" He says crying.

"I forgive you, you did what you could" I say. I lift his head and give him a kiss. We talked for a few more minutes then he fell asleep.

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