Chapter 16

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So, I have gotten 44 reads in 24 hours. Can someone please explain this to me?! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also... Im sorry ;) 

So for their New Zealand trip, Im going to try and follow this play list but make it my own at the same time. If you want to watch it as we go then that is cool :P I hope you enjoy!! :D


I look over at Elton and then scan my eyes up and down the building then at Colby, who is standing right next to me. I find my self searching around us when I see two bodies swiftly moving away from us. Sam and Corey. I look all the way up the tower as Elton chases them around the building. I find my feet frozen in place when Elton finally comes back with the boys. "You alright Jules?" Colby asks me as I remember he is still here. I don't move from where I'm standing until Elton, Sam and Corey are standing next to me, Sam repeating the same question as I gawk up at the tower. "Im pumped!" I say as I practically pull them into the door. The boys are all nervous but I volunteered to go first. Externally I was pumped but internally, my heart was racing at a million miles per hour and my brain was screaming at me to stop. We stepped into the suits and went through the safety briefing, my mind still going crazy but I didn't say anything. The elevator ride was warm. The floor and sides being made of glass making Corey cower in fear. Elton was recording the entire time so I tried to stay quiet. We got to the top and I was hooked in straight away, fear slowly seeping its way from my mind and heart out to my body, making me shake uncontrollably. I gave a smile at the boys and waved to the GoPro that Elton had strapped to my hand. "Ok, go!" A voice said and I stepped off of the platform. The wind was smacking me in the face as I made my way down. My hair was flying around even though I had it tied up in a bun, it must have fallen out into a pony tail. I scream as my body falls slowly towards the ground, wind brushing my face forcefully. Before I know it, Im at the ground. My mind still thinks that I'm moving so I stumble, trying to gain stableness agin as he unhooks me. Once I move out of the way, screaming comes from the next person to come down. Corey. He screamed and his mouth was so wide that I'm surprised he didn't do something to his jaw. Once he got down to the floor, he continued to scream even when he was walking over to me. I figured he was doing it for the camera and joined in on the screaming until we heard more screaming coming closer and closer to us from the top platform. We then stopped and looked at each other then up to who was jumping. A flushed pink comes into view and Sam makes his landing swiftly and gracefully, unlike Corey and I. We just laugh as he makes his way over to us. He gives us a questioning smile and when we try ever so hard to even mutter out the words, Sam just laughs along with us because of how goofy we were, adrenalin pumping through our veins at alarming rates. Colby's mouth is wide and his face, scrunched into a wide smile but also a gawk at the same time. When he arrives down, like Corey, I'm surprised he doesn't do anything to his jaw. Elton comes down, whooping and cheering. Once he arrives at the bottom, he all smile and discuss the craziness that just happened, hearts still beating to a rock song. Corey looked Elton straight in the eyes and through a snickering laugh said "I hate you" And continued to say that 10 more times on our way to our to our next activity.

The sun shone through the window, glistening into my eyes as we traveled down the long straight street. I plugged in my headphones into my ears and looked out the window, watching the foreign scenery. My mind is racing at a thousand miles, contemplating all the things that Elton could have in store for us if we just jumped off a tower and it was the first couple of hours of our first day for two weeks. When we park again we find ourselves sitting on a wooden bench when Elton turns the camera on and my heart stinks to my feet.                                                              "So we just got back from jumping of the tower and now we are going to be jumping off there!" My eyes followed his finger as he pointed to the large bridge that connects the two ends of the lake together. "Are you kidding me?" Corey says gawking at the huge bridge ahead of us. I see Corey walk away again out of the corner of my eye.                                                                                         "Ill just meet you guys back at the camper van." He came back to us and we quickly made our way up to the bridge. The wind kisses our cheeks as we slowly make our way to the top of the bridge. Im amazed as the chilly air blows against our bodies. I instantly regret wearing my crop top as my stomach feels the freezing blow of the ice winds. We get to the top and I look over the edge, looking down at the swishy water bellow us. "So, when you get dipped in the water.." "Wait what?!" I interrupt, shocked at the news. "You will then come back up and have to walk back to the camper drenched." "In the freezing winds as well." Sam adds. I laugh at Elton and Sam out of nerves as I find that Im excited but shaking. As I watch Colby go in, my eyes widen as he comes back up, his top half drenched from being dipped in the water. I laugh because we didn't bring any towels and he went in with his hoodie on. Elton jumps next and then its my turn. I try to stay away from Elton and Colby as water trickles down their faces from their hair. I step up to the edge and get strapped in. I waddle to the edge as Sam quickly gives me a hug and he whispers in my ear " You got this!" He is the only one who could tell I was nervous, Elton and Colby were recording Corey as I realise that he didn't have his harness on anymore.                   "You cant skip anything else if you skip this and you don't know what else I have in store!" All my thoughts of bailing left my mind because I knew that this was only the first day. I walked up to the edge and turned around again to see Sam giving me a big warm smile. I can do this. I leapt out, reaching as far as I could as if I was diving into a pool and I felt the air pushing me in the face, shoving my hair behind me until I found myself hanging. I didn't feel any water grab me and instantly smile when I shut my mouth. My throat hurt from the screaming that I didn't realise I was doing until I made it back up to the top. Elton looks at me, confusion painted on his face. "You didn't get wet." My smile is still present as I give Sam a hug and I nod my head.           "Your to light!" Elton laughs. Sam smiles at me and gets ready for his turn as I get unhooked from the strap around my ankles. I watch Sam and he waddles to the edge, mimicking a penguin, trying to make me laugh. I give him a smile as he stands on the edge. His arms start flailing around when he disappears from my eye sight, his screams become more quiet as they make their distance away from my ears. He fell off the platform. 

Know you know why I said I was sorry :P

So I'm going to try update as often as possible so I hope thats ok!

Later Fam! <3

P.S thx again for 200! <3 

Adopted By Sam and ColbyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin