Chapter 12

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He stops to think about it one last time and then finally spits it out.

"I think you should stay here with us." And with that, all my relief has been let out and any pent up tension is released that I finally have and answer. "What made you choose that?" I ask and he gets up and sits down beside me. "Because..." He says while looking into my eyes, smile growing now that he can see my relief. I feel his arm go around my shoulder and pull me in, giving me a hug as if I am his real sister.

"You just moved in and honestly the house has been kind of weird since you moved in, it's not normally like this. What has happened to you in our house so far that is making you a bit frustrated?" I pull back in surprise, I have never said anything about that, how did he know?

"How did you...?" He stops me half way with a simple answer.

"It was written on your face when you came in for Buddy that you were frustrated." I give him a hug and thanked him for helping making my decision for me. Sometimes, you need to have someone make decisions for you because you cant do it yourself. I decided to sleep on it since it was turning dark outside and slipped into bed to fall into my slumber quickly, thinking about today.

I awaken to loud chatter downstairs and so I make my way down while looking like a zombie. I didn't eat dinner last night so I find my stomach growling as I can smell bacon more and more as I go down step by step. The smell seeps in and I find myself going down the stairs faster and faster because the smell is drawing me closer. I come down the stairs to find Sam, Colby, Aaron, Kat and Elton. They look at me as soon as I appear at the bottom of the stairs and I stop in my tracks, eyes wide and I move my eyes to my left and then back again to ask whats going on. I find myself In the kitchen when Colby grabs me and puts me down on a chair at the dining table that is connected to our kitchen island. They put a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and hand me a cup of hot chocolate. I turn to look at them all and then I see Aaron come over to me, Everyone else standing in a line next to him. "Juliet, Im really sorry but I just wanted to make everything better." My eyes widen and I grab the plate and mug and get up to go to my room. He told them when I told him not to. Frustration burns up inside me and I start to re-consider what Aaron said, how could he do this to me? I feel a hand grab my shoulder and I turn around to find Elton grabbing my shoulders and pulling me back to the seat. I stuff a piece of bacon in my mouth when I realise that I cant move. "How could you do this to me Aaron? I trusted you." He sits down beside me and apologises again when Colby coughs, trying to get my attention.    "Why didn't you tell us we were annoying you?" I shrug my shoulders and then Sam finally breaks the silence.

"What has happened that has annoyed you?" I shrug my shoulders again when he sits down beside me on another chair and Colby kneels down in front of me so that he can be in the convocation. "Jules, please, tell me whats wrong?" I look down and stuff another piece of bacon in my mouth so I don't have to say anything but they don't continue to talk and wait patiently for me to stop chewing so I can talk and I can tell, they will wait there all day if they have to. I sigh and finally spill everything that has made me mad over the last couple of days. They patiently sit and listen to me and finally when I finish, they fall silent.                                              "Jules, Im so sorry, I didn't know you felt that way." I keep my head down and Sam and Colby give me hugs. I apologise for being annoying and they shake their heads saying what Aaron said, "This house has been off for the last couple of days. We weren't aware that tour food went miss......... COREY!" "Yeah?" I hear his voice echo from up stairs. I hear his footsteps come down the stairs and he looks at us and realises something is wrong. He comes over to us, serious expression painted on his face. "Hey, Whats up?" "Corey, did you do a food prank on Jules?" He looks over at me then nods his head. He opens the cupboard next to mine and it reveals all my old food. I start to giggle and walk over to my actual cabinet. Through my giggles, I manage to get out the news. "Corey. you put it back in the wrong cupboard, this is mine." I open it to reveal all my new food that I had to go buy and guilt washes over his face. A giggle escapes my mouth as he apologises profusely and give me apologetic hugs.

"The pranks are something that goes on. Ummm.... Is there anything we can do to like make you feel more comfortable with the pranks or we can stop them all together, same with the jokes." Sam says and I think about the options and think abut all the fans. If they stop pranks their fans will hate me. I think I can get used to it, It can't be that bad. Plus, they are actually kind of funny. I shake my head and tell them that ill get used to it. Also stating that I was probably just frustrated because I was already mad that my food went missing because.... food is bae. I go back to my room after eating my breakfast and I take my mug of hot chocolate up to my room. Feeling much better about the life ahead of me and my birthday soon.

Thank you for reading, if you have any ideas, please comment them all ill probably add them in and credit you. Share, vote and follow for a follow back! Later Fam <3

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