Chapter 1

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Another day in the orphanage.

I open my eyes to the speaker going off. "Get up everyone, the blackboard next to the stairs has been updated for the day and breakfast will be served in 30 minutes." After the voice echoes through my empty room, the morning song plays. Every morning they play a song over the speakers to everyones rooms and the songs are our requests. I open my eyes when my song comes on and I jump out of bed when Location by Khalid starts playing. I dance around the room as I grab my clothes and continue to dance when I put my clothes on. 

I put on my black leggings with mesh cuts, my black crop top saying "I speak fluent sarcasm". I slip into a pair of bed socks and stroll down to the blackboard. Its on the wall right at the bottom of the stairs. Todays activities include drawing classes at 11, music classes and music studio bookings open, they sound fun and then there are many classes for the toddles and clubs that are on but none of them interest me. I look over the the adoption schedule and see that my name is on the list for children to be interviewed. I continue to breakfast and sit down on my normal seat. I grab a plate on pancakes and grab a glass of orange juice. I feel an arm go around my shoulder, turn swiftly to meet the eyes of a tall, thin yet built boy with light blue eyes and soft brown hair. I smile and he peaks my cheek. His name is Landon and he is the most loving boy in the world. He is like my older brother but he has had a crush on my for as long as I have been in the orphanage. I was 5 and he was 7 and he kissed me on the cheek and has liked me since. I love him like a brother but he is always flirting with me and is always asking me to hang out with him. I smile and continue to east my pancakes. His arm grips my shoulder and pulls me into a side hug. He lets go once he grabs a plate and continues to eat next to me. We make convocation about our sleep and the dreams we had when we walk out into the living room once he finished. 

I pull my legs up onto the couch beside me and snuggle into the corner of the couch with the fragile blue pillow in front of me, cuddling it to my chest as Landon meets me and sits down at the end of my feet. He picks them up and drops them so my legs are on top of him and he puts on my favourite show. I give him a smile and put my head on his shoulder when the speaker echoes through the building again. The building is so large and it has speakers throughout every room, including the bedrooms.

"Can all the people with names on the adoption list please get dressed into something nice and meet into the interview room at 10, thank you." I shut my eyes then look over at Landon. "Be back in a few" I say. He nods his head and turns his attention back to the flashing images playing on the screen. I walk up the stairs and stroll into my room and slip into my black dress that I only bought a few days ago as my interview dress.

 I walk up the stairs and stroll into my room and slip into my black dress that I only bought a few days ago as my interview dress

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 I slip into my black flats and grab my red flannel to tie around my waits to keep it casual. I walk up to my full length mirror and pull my hair back into a high pony and add a red bandana to match my flannel. I brush off my dress then look back up and in the background see Landon staring at me through the mirror as he is positioned against the door frame of my room.  He walks up to me and places his hands on my hips just under my ribs and slides them around to my front, holding his other hand when they meet and he puts his chin on my shoulder and looks into into my eyes in the mirror. "Your so stunning, they will be crazy not to adopt you." I feel his finger tips travel along my bare arm and I push him away playfully even though he is trying to be comforting. I continue downstairs when the speaker gives a 5 minute warning. Landon sets himself in the living room because his name wasn't on the list. 

I go into the interview room and they call my name after sitting on the couch in the main room.I walk into the room an am greeted by two young boys.


Im so sorry that my updates are a little slow but thank you for reading. If you could follow me, vote for the story, add it to your reading list and share this I WOULD APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH!

If you follow me i will in return (thats my policy) and if you have any ideas I will gladly credit you and be happy to take your ideas into account! :D I will also be posting more often for your information.


See ya fam! <3 

Adopted By Sam and ColbyWhere stories live. Discover now