Chapter 10

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(I know the boys wouldn't do some of this stuff but just go with it!)

I get into the kitchen and find my cupboard open and limited stuff in there from what I had bought. I was planning to make pancakes for breakfast next week because its my birthday but all my flour, maple syrup, bread, spreads and all sorts of things were missing. I roll my eyes and tell Colby and Sam that I'm going to the store to get stuff because all my stuff had been eaten. They nod their heads as a response and I make it to the store and grab a few things off the shelves that I put on my mental list. I continue pushing my cart as I scan the shelves for Items that we might need at home. I feel a pump at the end of my cart and I quickly turn my head, frustration lazering from my eyes as I go to see the face of the person I now have to apologise to. Landon. I don't understand how he finds himself to me in the most weirdest times. I apologise as he gives me another familiar beam. He must be doing the weekly shopping for the orphanage, a job I am very familiar with because it would swap between the older children. We continue around the store, talking and going into every aisle that each other needs to go in. We say goodbye once we go through the check out and I head back home. I walk in to find all the boys filming a video and I hear then making so many inappropriate jokes. I roll my eyes and head into the kitchen to put all my stuff away. I then head up to my room to find a camera in the hall way, facing towards my door. Oh God, they pranked me. I head into my room to find balloons everywhere then when Im looking around, my face turning a frustrated shade of red, a clown pops out of the corner and I scream as the mask is taken off the reveal Elton. (A/N This is an idea I got from ThatcherJoe, his clown prank)I get a pin out of my emergency sewing kit on my bedside table and pop them all laughing for the camera and for Elton but internally, I'm groaning at how today is going to go from the start of it. Once all the balloons are popped, I pushed Elton out of my room so I could be left in my own frustration. First my food and then my room was invaded? Why! After a good hour of cool down I head out the the living rooms to see if the girls want to do something like finish the movie we were watching or something but they were both hanging with their boyfriends in each others rooms because they weren't there so I went around looking for Aaron. Lucky for me, Aaron was in his room, editing.                                                                                                 "Hey Aaron, do you mind if I take Buddy on a walk? I just need some air and thought It might make your life a little easier." He thinks for a second the grabs Buddy's lead from one of the draws in his desk.                                                                                                                                                      "Yeah, go ahead. Is everything ok? You seem kind of pale and pissed." I giggle at how well he knows me only after a couple of days.                                                                                                            "Um... honestly I could be better but I think I'm just getting used to all the boys in the house." he nods his head in response and calls for buddy to come over and sit. He hands me a zip lock bag with some treats in them and waves goodbye and Buddy is practically pulls me out of the house. "Going for a walk!" I scream out for Sam and Colby to hear. I hear someone call out something to me but I have already left the house before they could finish.

I head down the street, clouds dark and trees swaying ever so lightly. I feel a drop of water fall onto my cheek and now I can guess what someone called out. Take an umbrella. I continue to run and let the water run down my face and allowing my hair to get soaked. My distance from the house grows and my worry shrinks. The breeze blowing my blonde hair and the rain drops kiss my cheeks when I realise that I cant run from my problems, that I have to go face them.

So last time I checked my reads I had 89 and now I have 109. WHAT?!

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE READING! Please if you have any ideas, dm me or comment it!
Thank you so much to everyone! Please vote, comment, share and follow me for a follow back and Ill see you later fam! <3 

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