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Ryota doesnt know what to felt anymore.He stood from his place and walked to his unconcious uncle.

Unconcious?Why uncle sleep here?Why there so much blood oozing from his body?

He grip his head.It the same...the same as his parent.

There so much blood coming from their body.

He look up to the front and saw Hibari and the other were standing in front of Kanagi and Tamako.

Looks like they didn't see him yet.

He felt numb.He felt so tired.



He love his uncle.But he betrayed him.Betrayed his father and shot him in the heart.

Now he remembered everything...his uncle make him lose his memory and took care of him for the wealth and tittle.

Tears trailing down his cheek.

All those years,I'm not needed.

They took everything away from me.

Ryota shut his eyes tightly and he felt his heart bumping faster than before.

His body felt so hot.So light.He can't felt anything anymore.

I will take everything from them

With that,the dark engulfed him.He opened his eyes slowly.

His right eye glowing in red while his left pitch black.No pupil.

His fang slowly makes it appearance.The Shadow has been unseal.


Tsuna burn all the skeleton with his X-burner.

"Damn,they couldn't die"He curse.

Reborn shot every single thing he see.

He look to his surrounding.They can't do anything at all but he wouldn't stay and waited to being eaten by those corpse.

Hibari swoosh his tonfas to a skeleton.The skeleton's head fall off of its body.But the body still walked normally.

'Shit'Hibari look to Chrome who just stood in the middle without doing anything.

Hibari look at what Chrome look.

His eyes widen.Ryota?!!


"Kanagi!"Tamako screamed.

Ryota suddenly went behind him and kicked him to the wall.

The impact leave an effect to the wall.

Blood came out from his mouth.

Kanagi look at Ryota.From what he saw,Ryota has unsealed the Shadow.
He stood up and hold his hand out.

With a flicked,Ryota can't moved.

"You think I gonna let you live"he muttered.

He motion his hand to the side and within a few seconds,Ryota flew to a wall hard.

However,Ryota doesn't felt anything.He can't control his body anymore.The shadow has took over his body.

With a sneer,he charges forward to Kanagi.Kanagi was ready to stopped Ryota with his blood controller skill when Ryota suddenly went missing.


Kanagi stood motionless.He can heard his mother screamed.Blood oozing out from his mouth.He look down slowly when he saw a sharp black thing stabbed him.

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat