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"Do you mind to repeat it again,Tetsuya?" It an order and Kusakabe knew it.Hibari pissed.Really pissed.He just get home after beating Mukuro and now without his knowing his right hand man brought a boy that he barely knew here.To his home.

"I'm so sorry ,sir" Kusakabe already sweating while imagined something terrible going to happened to him."he has nowhere to go.And i can't brought him to my apartment because I share the house with my friends,sir".Hibari narrowed his eyes.What does it has to do with him afterall.He didn't noticed the boy inside his house because he went straight to his room and he hate weak herbivore.Hibari took out his tonfas and Kusakabe get ready for e beaten when suddenly they heard something fell.They stopped looking at each other."Ryota!"Kusakabe ran toward the kitchen while Hibari follow soundly behind.

Kusakabe slammed the sliding door open much to Hibari displeasure.And they saw Ryota kneel down to pick a shattered glass from the floor.'He broke the glass'Kusakabe pray that Hibari won't go on rampage because one glass."I'm so sorry.I...I didn't mean this.I'm sorry"Ryota said with a cracked voice threatening to cry.After Ryota arrived to the house,Kusakabe gave the boy food and leave him to greeted Hibari and it look like Ryota tried to clean the table and drop the glass coincidentally.Hibari looked at the boy and he knew the white shirt that he wear right now was his when he in middle school so Ryota didn't wear a pant now because the shirt already reached his ankle.Oh,so they searching in his cupboard.Someone need to be taught a lesson.

The boy looked so...phatetic.Hmm,if I train him,maybe he can be a carnivore.Hibari stalked toward the boy leaving Kusakabe behind who still praying that Hibari won't bite them to death.Ryota stopped what he doing and looked up at Hibari fearfully.He just sat there wait for whatever punishment from Hibari.Actually he already get used with it.Being slapped and kicked was a daily routine for him.He slightly gratefull for that.At least his aunty not often used a knife and whip.Ryota shut his eyes waiting to be punish.
But,he was shocked when he got lifted from the floor.He opened his eyes and he can see Hibari's eyes easily.Then,Hibari put him down far away from the place where the shattered glass was."Tetsuya"Kusakabe was snapped from his world and stiffened" clean the mess now" Kusakabe immediately reached for a broom and started clean the place.

Hibari look back and he saw Ryota standing behind his with his bang hide half of his face."What do you want"Hibari a bit shocked when the boy still standing there as if waiting dor something."You can punish me if...you...want"still looking at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Hibari quirked his eyebrow.What?Who say that he gonna punish him?"Who give you permision to wear my shirt?"it suddenly cane out.Not that he mind about that shirt.He not fit it anymore.At the background,Kusakabe stiffened.He searched the shirt in Hibari's cupbiard without his permission.Oh,he really gonna 'get it' later.

Ryota sniffed."I'm sorry.I didn't mean to t-take your belonging,sir"Hibari snorted.Whatever.He walked away before gave Kusakabe a punishment for interupting him."Sir"Hibari look at the voice owner"Aren't you gonna punish me?"Ryota felt weird.Usually if he done something wrong,his aunty will punish him.Hurt him or locked him up in the bathroom,but this big brother just let him be.Why?

"Shut up" Hibari growled.He doesn't like to beat someone who can't fight back.Wasted jis tine and energy.This boy not worth for his time afterall."I'm sorry"

Hibari ball his fist."Stop it"Ryota look straight at his eyes."Stop saying i'm sorry.It's annoying"Hibari growled softly."I-I'm sorry---I-I mean..."Ryota take a step back when Hibari kneel down on at his eye level."Listen,little runt"Hibari sighed"If you didn't do anything wrong don't say sorry.And even you have done it,don't volunteered  yourselves to be punish,understood?"Ryota stunned.Never in his life someone said something like this before after his parents died.His uncle always come and go.His aunty always ignored him and his other relatives thrown him away just because his family not rich as them.

And now he know.This person in front of him was different.Ryota nodded and smile a little.Hibari blinked.Why did he smile and look so happy?Few minutes ago he cowering in fear and now he...happy?Hibari grin.This boy is something.He huffed and walked toward his room when suddely there a tug on his pant.He look down and the boy look at him with a new determination in his eyes.Weird."Can...I know your name,sir?"Ryota asked with a slight pink on his face.Without looking back he walked away"Hibari Kyoya".And without he knowing there were a smile creep on a certain infant who watched the duo since the start."Interesting"

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Where stories live. Discover now