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"Nooo" Tsuna shout.Bang

They froze and let out a relief sigh.Ryota kick the man on his crotch so the shot miss.He tried to run toward Tsuna and the other but he tripped when Corvino grab his leg.Ryota gasp.

"You brat!" Corvino pulled Ryota toward him and throw him to the nearest wall.Ryota screamed and he soon fainted on the floor when his head bleeding because of the impact.

"Ryota!" Hibari swiftly run toward them and kick Corvino on the stomach.They were too late.They scared if Corvino shoot Ryota so they need to stay still in one spot and think for nice idea of how to make out alive.

But now,Corvino almost shot Ryota because of their late of actions.

Hibari punch Corvino and kick him to the other wall.Then,Hibari quickly went to Ryota and tried to bound his wound."Ryohei!"Hibari called Ryohei for help.

"Wait to the extreme,Hibari!There are to many of them.Extremeeee!"Ryohei shout from the other corner of the building fighting with a few men.

Tsuna and the other were fighting with almost a hundreds men in black equipped with weapon.They were too many of them.Hibari cursed.

" Dammit!"Hibari look at Ryota who gasping for air.His wound and scar make his body felt so hurt.Like burning inside out.Hibari knelt in front of Ryota.Ryota's eyes open a bit wide when he saw his brother.He tried to hug Hibari but due to his injury,he groaned in pain.

Hibari felt sorry for him.He tore his sleeve and bandage  his wound on his right hand.When he about to bound another wound,he heard someone yelling at him followed with gunshot.

His eyes widen when he saw Chrome lying on the ground with a bloody stomach.

"Nagi!" Mukuro quickly went by Chrome side and hold her in his arm.

"It's okay,Mukuro-sama.Y-you should fight t-them now" Chrome whisper to Mukuro while her hand clutching her stomach.Mukuro look at Hibari then at the man who shot Chrome.He grip his trident tightly.

"You,I will show you how is hell look like" he said slowly almost like whisper.Then,they heard the man screamed for his life.

Hibari went to Chrome and pick her in bridal style.Then,he put Chrome beside Ryota.Hibari walked slowly and his eyes were shadowed by his bang.He let out his tonfas.

Tsuna watched from above and asked his other guardians to stopped.Then,he asked Ryohei and Gokudera to healed Ryota and Chrome.They followed his instruction .

"Tsuna,what-" Yamamoto was about to asked Tsuna why did he stopped them from their fighting when Tsuna pointed toward Hibari.Yamamoto's eyes widen when he saw Hibari and Mukuro were standing back to back while staring at their prey without said a word.

Lambo who currently stopped throwing grenade standing beside Ryota and tried to comforted him by giving him  some candy and of course Gokudera hit the cow boy because giving Ryota something useless.

"You hurt my,brother"
"You hurt my Nagi"

Hibari and Mukuro said simultaneously in calm voice.However,everyone shivering at their calm voice because they had heard about Mukuro who escape from Vindice and Hibari who manage to make all Varia's member  down one by one(Manga).

Then,all Vongola's member can heard only screamed and crying from a hundred men.

Tsuna saw a glimpse of someone.Oh,he forgot about something.Or someone.

Corvino walked slowly to the exit.Humph,he left his men just like that?!What a nice boss he is.Tsuna thought.

Tsuna flew in front of him and held his left hand for support while his right hand in front of him. ..

"Operation X" he said in low voice.Corvino who saw this then shot him some illusion.

First class illusion.Tsuna thought.Not bad.

Corvino shoot him some fire ball.Then, a vein appeared  and grab Tsuna's hands.Tsuna froze the vein and swiftly flying toward Corvina and flipped him.

But,Corvino saw an opened. He kick Tsuna on the back make Tsuna staggered.

"Wrath of death" Corvino shout.Suddenly,few hands shot out from the ground and grab him.Tsuna tried to froze them or kick them but the hands were to strong.Too strong as metal.

They pull Tsuna into the ground.Tsuna started to panicked.But he calm himself knowing that panic won't settled anything.Then,his hyper intuition told him to wait for something.So,he wait.

Suddenly,the hands let him go.Tsuna wonder why and saw fire burning the hands.

"Kufufu" Tsuna sigh in relived.
"Your illusion is first class.However,it still can't overpower mine"

Mukuro change his eyes to third kanji.He bring the man to his world.

"What the-" Corvino tried to escape but to no avail.

"Now I will show you why you shouldn't messed with us,kufufu"

Few hours later,Tsuna saw hundreds of men lying lifelessly on the ground with a severe injury due to the Namimori demon's wrath and Corvino crying in despair.

While Mukuro laughing as if nothing happened and Hibari  lean his tonfas with a cloth.

Tsuna sigh.His family is not human.


Hibari walked back and forth at the corridor.4 am.They just got back from the fight and currently at Namimori's hospital.All of the Vongola waiting nervously for Ryota and Chrome.While the other being healed by Ryohei because their scar not too deep as Ryota and Chrome.

Even Dino and Enma came after being informed by Reborn about the fight.

Enma was so relived when he saw all of his friends were save but still worried for Chrome and Ryota even though he don't who the boy is and almost got heart attack when Tsuna told him that Ryota is Hibari's brother.

While Dino were crying at the corner because Hibari didn't tell him that he has a brother.He claimed as Hibari's tutor  he has right to know about it.But being ignored by everyone.And now he were trying to grow some mushroom at the corner.

Hibari look at the crowd because they being nosy.Suddenly they were silent by his glare.

Only this time he will tolerate with crowding.Because of Ryota.Just for him.He sighed.

"Chrome,Ryota.I'm sorry.This is all my fault"

This chapter is a bit weird.I'm sorry if it boring.
But I do hope you enjoy this story :)

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя