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"What??!!!"Tsuna yelled.

Haru look at him and nodded."Haru saw it!They took Ryo-chan away!"

Reborn watched them and tsk.He never thought of this gonna happened.Well,not this fast.

"Everyone,get ready.We gonna face a big war"


"So,as what I know...Corvino Primo prohibited his decendant to use the shadow flame because it's too dangerous.He sealed his flame to avoided any damage"

Hibari silently listen to the fruit in front of him.He followed Mukuro slowly from behind because Mukuro said he sense a weird mist flame around this wood.

"Oi,are you listening to me or not?"Mukuro eyeing the boy behind him.He getting more annoyed with Hibari because Hibari didn't said a word since he decided to followed him.

Hibari hmm at him.Mukuro sighed and started to walked again.

Mukuro knew whenever he stopped,Hibari also stopped.And when he walked again,Hibari also walked.

Something cross his mind.He smirked.

He walked two step ahead and then stopped.Followed by Hibari who walked two step ahead and stopped.

He did it a few times and snickered silently when he felt a thump on his beutiful head.

He turn behind and saw Hibari glare at him with gleaming red eyes.

"Don't you dare playing with me"he said in a low voice.

Mukuro sweatdrop."Calm down,kitty cat.It's call joke,okay?"then he started walked like a normal human again.

Mukuro walked into the wood.He sense the flame was getting neared.It' s the same flame as the fake Corvino Nono.

He eyeing the place.But all he can saw was tree.No,not an ordinary tree.He pulled out his trident and slammed in onto the ground.

Hibari felt as if the ground opened.Quickly he jumped onto one of the tree.

Mukuro stood still on the shattered ground with a smirked.

"Such a strong flame"he said when the ground back to normal and nothing appeared.

Suddenly,they heard someone coming toward them.They pull out their weapon and get ready for the attacked when they saw a fluffy brown hair with other companion.

"Huh?Hibari-san?Mukuro?"Tsuna walked toward them but stop mid way.

'What are they doing here?And just the two of them??What gonna happen to this world?And they look fine without beating each other??!!'Tsuna pull his hair like a psycopath.

Reborn look at his student and sigh.This is not the right time to fooling around.

"What are you two doing here?"Reborn asked the duo.

Hibari turned his head and walked away.Mukuro sigh.

"Ya know..I felt a stronger mist flame around here.It same as the fake Corvino Nono"he explained and pointed his trident to Tsuna who flinched by his action.

"And you,how do you get here?"

"A-ano...Haru said he saw a man took Ryota and Azuya in the park...and then Hibird suddenly flew toward us and said something about 'forest' and 'Ryota'"Tsuna stuttered every words he used while handing out the bird from his pocket.Don't ask me why Hibird in his pocket   ×_× even I don't now why 😆😆😆

"This is the only forest in Namimori so..."

Hibari suddenly jumped toward Tsuna and snatched Hibird from him.That cause Tsuna flinched and almost get a heart attacked.

Hibari patted Hibird softly and put hibird on a tree.Forbidden him from get involved in this matter any further.

"Kufufu~~~you so soft,Mr.Perfect"

If eye could kill,Mukuro already dead on the ground by Hibari beautiful's eyes.


Akira walked toward the dark room wearing a black suit.His smiled plastered on his face as if he won something.

He opened the door and saw Ryota and Azuya laying on the hard cold ground,sleeping soundly.

He shook his head a little and walked toward Ryota.

"Ryo-kun,time to get up"he said with a gentle tone.

Ryota stirred in his sleep and startled to saw his uncle's face looking down at him with an innocent smiled displayed on his face.

"U-uncle?"he stuttered.

Akira smiled and took Ryota's hand roughly and force him to get up.

"W-where are you going to take me,uncle?!!"Ryota shouted intentionally to wake Azuya up.

Azuya immediately went toward Akira and kick him hard on the leg.

"Leave him alone!"

Akira hissed and punched Azuya on the face.He smirked triumphly.

"It's alright,just another scar on your face.After all,you have sun it's nothing to you"Akira dragged Ryota out of the room leaving Azuya behind.

"What took you so long?"Tamako said with a hint of annoyed.

Akira passed by her without looking toward his wife at all.Tamako tch and followed him from behind.

"I'm going to make you inherit the power of Corvino...after that you will get all of your father's wealth...big mansion,money,everything"Akira smiled at Ryota who look at him fearfully.

"Then we will kill you and take the money of course"Tamako rolled his eyes and cross his hands.

"W-wha..?No!Let me go!!"Ryota started to struggling against his uncle grip.Akira getting impatience and hit a certain point at his neck to make Ryota sleep.

Then he went toward Tamako and slapped her.

"Can't you just keep your f*cking mouth shut tightly?!!I'm tired with his f*cking whine and cry"Akira pick Ryota up like a sack of potato and walked toward Kanagi.

Kanagi look at his mother who still sitting on the floor because of the impact.He saw his mother's eyes filled with hatred and revenge.

He look at his father"Tou-san,the Vongola is here"he said with a stoic face.

"Then do as we plan"

They went further into the mansion.The flame was broke by Mukuro and Chrome.

"It's getting suspicious here,jyudaime"

There's nothing here.Not even furniture.No one.Nothing.Just a cold air and it's so dark in here.

Tsuna nodded at the statement and walked further with the other when suddenly they being engulfed by a big amount of mist flame.

A trap?!!

"Minna-"before Tsuna get to finished his word,everyone disappeared.

"Oh no"
So,here I'm back~~~~

I have finish my exam and I am really exited to start the new chapter.

I am sorry for the hiatus.I didn't mean it to be like that.😣😣

Btw,I am gonna publish new chepter as soon as possible😉😉

Pliss give ur support for this story😘😘

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon