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Hibari stepped inside the Japanese traditional house with both of his hands filled with shopping bags.And he hated it.

Everyone who saw him will stared for a while before scurried away.Maybe because no one ever saw our precious Hibari went shopping by himselves and he went for kid clothes.

He sighed and dropped the bags on the floor.Ryota quickly went to Hibari with the same shirt he wore since morning.

"W-welcome home,s-sir" he stared at the bags then at Hibari."Picked them up"Hibari said softly and went to his bedroom.He need some rest.Ryota picked the bags to the living room carefully.

Then,he went to Hibari's room and knocked softly."Sir,d-do you want s-some food o-or tea?"

For him,this was a usual routine at his previous home.So,he didn't mind if Hibari order him around because he knew his place.He just a freeloader.

But not for Hibari.He opened the door and stared at Ryota.He though children like to playing and make noises as that cow brat.He such an annoying kid.


His eyes suddenly went narrowed.Ryota saw it and look down afraid that maybe he make Hibari angry.

Maybe because I disturb his sleep.He just waited there.Waiting until he heard Hibari said something.

He blinked.What?He look at Hibari with questioning eyes.Hibari sighed.Does he has to tell the boy everything?

"Why are you not wearing the clothes that I brought earlier"


He-he brought me a c-clothes?But-why?Ryota look at his feet.He didn't deserve this.

His aunty always told him that he just a nuisance kid and always brought trouble.No one wanted him.He should just die.

Yes,he should.No one ever buy him a new clothes.He only has 3 pair of shirts and one pair of pants.

Before ,he had many cute clothes from his uncle and his late parents until his aunty burnt them all.Saying that he doesn't need that and she doesn't want to waste her time washing it.

If only she do the laundry.

Back at home,he the one who had to do the laundry but he need to washed his clothes by hands.Not even his cousin help him.Yes,he does have a cousin.But he same as his aunty.Kicked,slapped,locked him up in bathroom.

At least,this big brother Kyoya never hurt him.So,he didn't mind to do the house chores.

"Little animal" Ryota squeaked and he looked up at Hibari with teary eyes.Why does Kusakabe-nisan and Kyoya-san treat him nicely?

Hibari stared at him and he saw this little animal on the verge of crying.He not remember if he had hurt him as far as he know,he never touch this boy.

"Why are you crying?" Ryota wiped the tears and smile weakly at him.He shook his head and stayed silent for awhile.

Hibari sighed.He picked the boy up while Ryota squeaked.Ryota hug Hibari's neck to balance himself.He blushed a little and kept staring on the floor.Where does he trying to take me?

Hibari looked at Ryota and smile a little.Cute.Just for a second before back to his stoic expression."You smelly.I'm going to wash you"

They walked toward the bathroom and Ryota started to protest."No,i-it's okay,s-sir"he tried to released himselves from Hibari grip.Oh,god.He too strong.

Hibari took off Ryota's shirt and stunned by what he saw.His body full of bandages.There were many scars and wounds on his back,stomach,legs,arms and every part of his body.

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Where stories live. Discover now