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Ryota 'eyes open slumber from his sleep.He turn to his side and feel something on his waist.He look at the burden on his waist and look utterly shock by what he saw.

Hibari put his hand on his waist while sleeping.That's mean Hibari hug him.He look at his other side and saw Hibari lay next to him.

Ryota flinch when Hibari move a bit.Too scared to awake him,he just lay there and stared at Hibari's face.

The cold breezes touches his face.So cold.Must be because of the rain last night.Now he remember what happened yesterday.He sleep here with Hibari because too afraid of thunder.And Hibari was suprisingly kind enough by letting Ryota shared a futon with him.

Ryota stared at Hibari's face.It look so peaceful.His face look so gentle.Ryota felt so jealous of him.If only I can be like him.Always calm even a storm approaches.

Ryota shivering under the blanket due to the cold wind.He snuggle into Hibari's chest.

So warm.Ryota thought.Subconciously ,he touched Hibari's stomach.Then he stared in awe.

Hibari 's stomach is so flat.Then,he touch his own stomach.He can feel his baby fat.Then,he poke Hibari's stomach and do the same thing to his.There a huge different.He pouted.Why does onisan's stomach and mine feel too different?He thought to himselves.

He doing it several time and jump up when a hand touch his hand.He look at the owner and saw Hibari stared at him with half lidded eye.

"I-I'm sorry i-if I wake y-you up from your s-sleep" Ryota said slowly.How stupid can he be?Why did he disturb Hibari beauty sleep.He expected a hit but what come really shocked him.

Hibari smiled a little  at him and push Ryota's hand deeper on his stomach.Hibari then stretched his muscle and Ryota gasp.

He can felt Hibari's abs.It's hardened than before.This show how hard Hibari practice to be this powerful.

After that,Ryota took Hibari's hand and put it oh his stomach.Hibari can feel how soft it is.He chuckle looking at his antics.

This boy really get his interest.The first day they met,this boy really scared of him but he didn't run away like other kid or adult.Instead,he still tried to fought with his own fear so that he can survived without other people help.Hibari can't help but feel sorry toward him,not that he will admit that.

He can't imagine how Ryota sleep on the alley way in hunger if he didn't find him on the first place.

Maybe he will be recruit into some dark organisations and do some risk thing to survived in this cruel world.

Hibari look at Ryota who still playing with his stomach.Oh,he like to playing with stomach huh.An idea crossed his mind.

He put his hand in Ryota's stomach while being watching by a curious Ryota.Then,Hibari tickle him.

Ryota squeals cutely and tried to escape from Hibari but didn't managed to do so.Hibari smirked at his lame action to run.Then,Ryota tried to attack Hibari.

He tried to tickle Hibari with his short arm but failed.Hibari continued tickling him  until Ryota  can't breath make Hibari stop tickling him.

Pathetic.Hibari then pick him up and throw him on the air and caught him back.Ryota who startled by that scream loudly before laughing.Hibari did that for about 3 times and stop.

Hibari look at the clock and remember his duty.He need to go to school.Ryota still recover from laughing look at Hibari who suddenly stop.

Hibari put him down and knelt into his eye level.He put his hand on Ryota's head.

"I need to go to school.What are you gonna do while I'm not at home?" Ryota put a smile on his cute face and replied"I will do thr house chores.You don't need to worry s-onisan.I will take care of this house while your absent"he almost stutter when saying onisan but he will get use with it by now.

Hibari shook his head."No,you don't have to do the house chores anymore.It didn't suit for you"he said with a disagree tone.Ryota look at his foot and playing with his new pyjama brought by Hibari.

"B-but it not nice to  live here without do anything.After all,I'm just a freeloader" replied Ryota with a hint of sadness in his voice.Hibari smiled.This boy too nice for hus own good.

"Who said you a freeloader,huh?" Ryota look up.What?Of course I'm a freeloader.I will stay here for a few more days and I will leave after all.But,I don't want to leave Tetsu-niisan and Kyoya-onisan.He though sadly by thinking about leaving.

"From now on,you Asahanina Ryota are Hibari's family." Hibari said with a serious tone.Showed that he was really serious.Ryota blinked.What?

"I going to adopt you and raised you as my little brother.I'll train you to be strong.Maybe stronger than me" Ryota couldn't believe that.No one want him.Take care of him after his parent's death.They throw him saying that he such an ashamed of Asahina family.

But,now a teenager standing in front of him declare as his big brother.He can't help but crying.A tears drop on his cheek.

Hibari wiped that tears away.Ryota suddenly launched to him and hugged him as his life depend on it.Hibari patted his back  and sighed.Why did him accepted him as his brother?Actually he also doesn't know why.It too sudden.Maybe because I felt a connection with you.He though.He just can't say no to this boy.He felt weak with him.

This boy is going to be a problem in the future.He sighed again and carried Ryota to the kitchen.No,he will be my lucky charm in the future.He though to himselves what will other reaction when they know I has a brother?And will I going to be a good brother?Ah,what a pain.But,who's care about other people,right?

He look at Ryota who sobbing into his pyjama.And sighed for hundred times today.

Outside from the room,Reborn watched the scene and smirked.Who's know that Hibari has this side on him.Now,we have a new family member.He smirked while thinking of a planned. 

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz