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I woke up the next morning still feeling depressed. This house gave me to many memories. A whole month and she was just gone. Gone. Our twins were turning one this year..

I took a new job. I work from home now. I stil work for the same company but I just do it over the computer and things. I make the same amount as I always had.. It's just easier on me now..

I heard my son cry. I ran upstairs and scooped him in my arms. Charlotte was still asleep. She liked to sleep in but Maximillion always woke up early.

So I took him down stairs and fixed him up a bottle. Once it was ready I sat down at the kitchen table and tried to give him the bottle. He moved his face and started crying.

"I know Maximillion. I know you're still not use it the taste but I can't breastfeed you." I said still trying to give him the bottle.

He completely rejected it. So I put it down and got him so apple sauce. I was slowly switching them over to real food.

Then he started eating. Once I finished feeding him I cleaned up the apple sauce and took him into the living room with me. Guess Maximillion was going to work with me.

I got online and manged all the druhs around and helped answer questions for about another hour. Then I heard Charlotte begin to cry. So I put Maximillion in his little walker and ran up stair to my daughter. 

I scooped her into my arms and took her down stairs too. I already know she will not take the bottle so I just fed her the apple sauce. Once she was done. I cleaned her up and took her into he living room too.

I looked into her eyes. My god did she have Samara's eyes. They were that perfect shade of blue green. I held her close to me. Then Charlotte began to struggle in my arms. So I put her in her walker.

So I went back on the computer. To finish up my work...


It was around lunch time and the twins were crying that they were hungry. So I gave them mashed potatoes and put them down for a nap. I took a break from the computer to lay down on the couch.

Soon I began to doze off...


I woke up in same dark blue room. Where was I? I looked around and there was nothing... It was just blue around me.

"Hallo?" I called out into the nothingness. 

"Haallloooo." I heard a sweet voice call out.

I stood up and walked around but there was still nothing. This was confusing me. What was going on.

"Is anyone here?" I asked.

"Turn around." I heard her speak. I knew it was her.

I turned around slowly and saw my beautiful wife. Samara stood in front of my eyes with her dazzling smile. The tears were just sliding down my cheeks.

I threw my arms around her and held her tight. When I pulled her away she looked troubled.

"What is wrong my love?"  I asked her.

She put her hamd against my cheek. Her body drained of color amd she turned white as snow but her lips were stained blood red. She did not look sickly skinny like she dis when she passed.

She looked like her old self. Her real hair just everything. Then wings grew from her back.  She looked into my eyes hard.

"I make up sad." She said and whipped away my tears.

"Nono my love." I managed to chock out.

"Then why are you crying?" She asked and whipped away my tears and tilted her head to the side a little.

"I just miss you." I said amd broke down. I felt to my knees and wrapped my arms aroumd her legs. She rubbed my head but remained silent. 

Then she fell to my level. She lifted my head amd forced me ro look at her.

"Derex I live in your heart. I love through our beautiful twins. I miss you more than anything. I'm watching over you my love. One day we will meet again. Now now but soon." She said and crashed her lips against my own.

It was the most power kiss in the world. I felt my stomach become weak under the passion. The shocks of love raced throughout my body and all my senses exploded.

She released my face gently and smiled sweetly and held love in her eyes.

****~Dream over~****

I woke up feeling much better. Still empty but better. I whipped away the stray tears away but I felt the tingle of the kiss left behind from my dream.

I looked at the time and it was dinner time. I got more mashed potatoes for the twins. I heated it up and I wemt to go get them. I scooped them both in my arms and carried them both down stairs.

I fed them their dinner amd took them both up stairs for a bath. I put them both in their little tubs amd gently rub them with a wash cloth. Once I was done I dried them off.

I put Charlotte in her purple night dress. I put Maximillion in just a shirt and dipper. I carried Charlotte to her room and laid her down in her bed. I kissed her forehead.

Then I went into Maximillion's room and laid him down in his bed. I kissed his forehead and shut the door gently. 

I stared at my bedroom door. I haven't beem in there since Samara passed away. I opened the door and I instantly smelles her perfume. It actually relaxed me.

So I entered it and shut the door behind me. I stripped down to my underwear and went umder the covers. I could still smell her. It relaxed me even more.

I wrapped the covers around me and inhaled her more. It almost felt like she was right next to me. Slight tears prickled down my cheeks but I just held on to her pillow.

I will always love you Samara. No matter how far apart we may be...


THAT IS IT!!!! XD I guess most of you are possed I killed Samara! xD Welll... I have a surprise for you guys!...


Yes there is going the be yet a third book. It is going to be called The German Exchange Father.

I am not sure when it will be up but I will let you all know.

Yes that will be the last book of this Series sadly.

I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I had writing it. I hope you enjoy the very last one.

Stay amazing. Stay beautiful. Stay you. ♥

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