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Its been a good 3 months since the babies have been home. This has been the best 3 months ever! Well other then Samara getting sick for the whole 3 months..

She is gettimg full quicky. So she doesn't really eat much at all maybe if I am lucky. I get her to eat half a sandwhich. Then her naps are more frequent. Like she can't keep her eyes open!

She's always in pain. She says they are cramps but they happen all the time even when she's not on her period. Then she keeps bleeding...

Oh miss stubborn will not go to he doctor. She think she's fine. She just says that this is just from the babies. This will past. I just roll my eyes. I know something is up. She just will not listen..

Anyways. She is sleeping right now.

Then I heard a soft cry come from Maximillion's room. So I get out of bed and walk into my son's room. I picked him upmout of his crip and lighty bounced him.

"Ahhh what's the matter baby." I cooed.

"Are you wet?" I said and patted his bottom. No he didn't need to be changed.

"Are you hungry?" I said and we walked into the kitchen. I got a bottle from the fridge that Samara had pre made. Well she does breast feed but since she has gotten sick. She has started milking herself so we have some pre made.

I shook up he bottle and gave it to him. I sat down as I feed him. Wow he must have been really hungry. Awww!

When he finished up. I heard Charlotte start lighty crying. So I ran up to her room and picked her up. I checked her and she was wet.

So I put Maximillion in her bed and I took her into my room. Samara was no where to be found. Then Charlotte started screaming. So I hurried and changed her quickly.

Then I walked into the bathroom and found Samara standing on the scale. I looked at her puzzled. She has always though of herself fat. The pregnancy had made her gain a lot.

I never though of her as fat. Never. If anything her baby weight come off fast, She looked amazing.

"Samara! It's just a number! You are anything but fat!" I yelled. Well one there is a screaming baby in the next room and Charlotte started crying.

"No Derex.. I'm not fat anymore... "

"You never were!"

"No.. I was always bigger. Now.. I'm 110.."

"What?!... You lost Over 50 pounds in 3 months?"

She nodded slowly. She walked over and took Charlotte from my arms and her crying stopped. Then she walked pasted me and I followed her into Charlotte's room. That is where Maximillion was.

"How can you loose 50 pounds in 3 months?" I asked kinda pissed. See I knew it was something more.

"I don't know. You read the scale." She said as she put Charlotte down in her bed and picked up Maximillion and walkes into his room. I waa following her.

"That's it you're goin to the damn doctor." I said.

"No. No. This is nothing. I'm fine.

I rolled my eyes. "Loosing 50 pounds in 3 months is far from fine. Being in consent pain is not fine. Bleeding all the time is not fine! Only eating half a sandwich for an enitre day is not fine! Napping because you can't keep your eyes open is not fine!"

"Maybe that's why I lost weight. The babies are a lot of work. Maybe I am just streessed because I am going back to school and I do not want to leave my angles...." She exhausted.

The German Exchange Husband (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now