No Words...

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It was 3:00pm. Peggy was hear watching the babies. Samara was still in the bathroom. The week went by pretry uneventful. Just Samara's sypomos hve gotten worse.

When she finished. She gave Peggy the run down of a schedule and we were out the door. We got into the car and drove off.

The car ride was quite the hole way...

When we got there. Samara signed in and we aat down. Still not talking. Then after about an hour. The nurse called us in. She led us to the back room and Samara sat down on the table.

"Hello Mrs. Von Ritz." She greeted.


"What seems to be the problem?" She asked.

"Well I hve been havimg symptoms for the last 3 months or so."

"Like what?"

"I lost 50 pounds in the last 3 months, I have been getting fully quicky, lower belly pains, Which feel like craps multiplied by a million, bleeding in between periods, and feeling fatigue all the time." Samara said.

The nurse writes down everything she says. She asked a few questions and Samara answered. Like about the pregnancy and stuff. The nurse didn't have a settling look. Which worried me.

"Well I will call in the doctor and we will she what he says." She said and walked out the room.

Then the doctor came in. Quickly.

"Hello Mrs. Von Ritz. I hear of some problems?"

"Yes doctor?" She said unsure." She said. Now right now on he inside I am completely terrified. 

"Can you stand up amd remove your clothing? I am going to preform a physical exam." he said.

"Can my husband stay please?" She asked turning red.

"Yes," He said.

She looked over at me and began to undress. Removing all of her clothing.  I tried to give her reassuring looks. Then he started to feel. I know he was looking for lumps or something.

"Mrs. Von Rits. Have you been bloating a lot lately?" he asked.

"Yes. Quite a lot in the last month or 2." She answered.

"Have you had any pain during intercourse?" She turned all red again.

"Yes..." She said and trailed off.

We have had sex one time since the babies come along. It was incredibly painful for her. So we haven't really tried since then...

Then the doctor presses hard on her lower stomach close to her lady parts... She yelped in pain. He let around some more.

"I'm ordering a biopsy. I need you to gonto this hospital." He said and wrote down and gave Samara the paper. She dressed and now I'm ghost white.

We leave to hospital and hurry to the car. What the hell is going on? What is wrong with my wife? Why didn't I ask?

We slid into the car and drove to the hospital. Samara grabs my hand and tries to reassure me that everything is going to be okay. Even though I have a bad feeling bout this..

When we get to the hospital. We hurry and check in and the doctor got us in soon. He led us to a room.

"We are here for a biopsy?" The young doctor asked. Then he called the nurse in and she come in with a big ass needle. Which caused Samara to panic.

"Mrs. Von Ritz I need you to lay down." He said.

She did what she was told. I took her hand aa he jammed in the needle. Tears slid down her cheeks but when he extracted this yellow liquid he pulled out.

"Take this to be tested." He ordered.

"Tested to be what?" Samara.

"We are not sure yet but I believe it might be ovarian cancer...." The doctor trailed off."

"What!?" Samara said with big eyes. Mean while I just died inside.

"I am not totally sure yet but it will be a just an hour..." He said. "Please wait here." Then he left.

Leaving us to our own thoughts.

"Derex.. I am scared.." She said with a tear. I sat next to her and held against my chest. I had to stay cool on the outside for her but I knew there was nothing I could say to ease her mind... Or mine at this point...

Then the longest hour had finally passed. The doctor came in with an unreadable look.

"So.." I said and trailed off.

"Mrs. Von Ritz.." He said and turned to Samara. We were both sitting on the table and the door was shut.

"Mrs. Von Ritz. You have stage 4 Ovarian Cancer... I'm so sorry." He said and looked down.

My heart broke. My world turned upside down. I felt the hot tears prickle out of my eyes. We just started our lives together. No..

Samara swolled hard. "How long to I have to live?" She asked.

"3 months to 5 years with chemotherapy and radiation. The Cancer has spread to all of lower body organs. There is really nothing we can do..." He said blickly.

"I just became a mommy though. I didn't get to finish college or anything. I'm only 25 years old." She said.

"I'm terribly sorry... We can start chemotherapy and radiation as soon as next week. You'll come in every 2 weeks and receive treatment to prolong as much as we can." He said.

"How long without?" She asked.

"Why are you even asking that!" I kinda yelled. Now tears spilling out of my eyes. She just took my hand and squeezed.

"How lomg doctor?" She asked again.

"Since it has spread to every organ in the lower cavity... I would say just another 3 months."

"And with this treatment I'll live five years?

"Not for sure... Give or take. Depending if you even respond to the treatment."

She took in this information. Slowly and surely. Making sure to understand everything.

"We will try the treatment but if it doesn't work.. We won't do it anymore." She said blankly.

The doctor nodded and we set up the appointment for next week. Then we asked more questions. The doctor answered every one of them without being bothered.

Once we were finished. The doctor gave us our papers and we walked out to the car. We slid in and drove home.

A silent ride....

"I wish I was right." Samara said breaking the silence.

"Me too..." I said and more tears trailed down my cheeks. My god did I wish she was right...

The German Exchange Husband (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now