"Mom, stop calling dad that," you say calmly.  

"DAD? He's no dad to you anymore!  Once I file for divorce, he'll have nothing but the clothes on his back!" she says, slurring her words heavily.  

"Let's get you to bed, mom," you say, taking her hand.   You walk her up to what used to be her and your dad's room and set her down on the bed.  

"Hah.  How did I ever share a room with that bastard, huh?" she laughs, kicking off her shoes.  

"Get some rest, mom.  This is the alcohol talking.  You love dad, remember?"

You look over at your mom again.  She's asleep.  You take a blanket from the closet and drape it over your mom.  You turn off the lights and leave with a sigh.  You go downstairs and start to make hot cocoa for yourself when you hear a gentle knock at the door.  You slowly walk over to the door.  Who could it be?  You open the door slowly.

"Draco!" you gasp, shoving the door open and flinging your arms around him.  "What are you doing here?  I thought you were vacationing in Canada for the holidays!"

"Well, to be honest, y/n. I lied about that part...," he admits.  

"Wait.  What?" you nearly scream.  "DRACO LUCIUS MA-"

"Babe, babe, babe!  I had a good reason for it.  Come with me.  Grab a coat and lock the door.  We may be out for a while." he says, trying to calm you down.  At first, you're overwhelmed with anger but then you nod. He's here now, after all.  Better make the most of it, you figure.  You go inside and grab a long black coat and some gloves.  You lock the door behind you and Draco takes your hand.  You walk down the deserted streets until you come to a pub.  

"Come on in, y/n.  I have s surprise for you," he smiles.  You follow him in.  You hear the clatter of plates and glasses and the slow chit-chat of the men drinking and playing pool around you.  Draco leads you past them and into a back room.  Draco opens the door for you and leads you in.  There's a warm crackling fire and armchairs and couches with pots of tea and mugs of warm butterbeer waiting.  There's a man standing in front of the fireplace.  A man with your eyes.

"D-Dad?" you say, your mouth hanging open.

"Y/n," he says, holding your his arms wide.  You run over to him, tears streaming down your face.  

"Dad!  I thought you were gone!" you exclaim, holding your dad tightly! "I'm so glad you're here!  The holidays aren't the same without you!  Mom's been drinking a lot and-"

"Shhh," we'll deal with that later, y/n.  I'm just glad I get to see my daughter again.  I'm sorry I left.  I didn't know what to do.  Your mother insisted on fighting and..." he trails off.  "Ahh.  I have no excuse.  I left and I feel awful.  I'm just glad you're here.  How are you feeling?"

"I'm better now that you're here, dad.  I missed you so much," you cry.  "Why did you come back?"

"Well, it's all thanks to that lovely young man over there," he says, motioning to Draco, who's smiling in the corner.

"Draco?!" you say.  "How?"

"He heard from one of my friends that I travelled to Vancouver after the blowup.  He told me he left school early and came and tracked me down.  When he found me, I wasn't very sober at all and I didn't want to talk to anyone about my family.  It took him thirteen tries to get me to sit down and have a conversation with him.  Every time I threw him out of the bar, where he was again, covered in dirt and mud, pleading and asking me to come back to England to see my little girl again for a few days of her winter vacation.  I'm glad he was so persistent, or else I might not have come," your father explains.  You run over to Draco and give him a gigantic kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" you exclaim, jumping up and down in Draco's arms.  

"Anything for you, y/n.  I couldn't bear to see you sad.  I'm just glad everything turned out alright. I'mosrry I lied.  I didn't want to ruin the surprise in case he agreed to come," Draco says, relieved.

"I can't thank you enough, Draco.  You travelled thousands of miles to bring my father back to me and didn't give up no matter what," you say joyfully.  "and you got him here on Christmas day!"

"You got a keeper, here, y/n.  You better not let him go like I let your mother go," your father says.  "Now come on, let's have some drinks.  I've got a lot to catch up on."


A/N: This chapter was 1,408 words long and it was so much fun to write!  Requests are open!  Hope you enjoyed!

- Soiea

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