16.) New Beginnings

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"Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through and start a new chapter in my life."             -Author Unknown

Erik POV

Once I woke up in the morning, I was being summoned in the mind link from Damon. He had let me know that it was time to get up and get ready to confront the pack. Faye was still sleeping on the bed with her fur looking disheveled.

I made a sleepy like chuckle then took a picture of her with my camera that I hadn't used in a while. Faye is the first picture I used which seemed like a good idea to start new with good memories.

I left the room as soon as I knew Faye would be alright with Olivia and Jules volunteering to watch Faye since my pack needed to be reassured of where I stand after everything that happened. I gathered the pack outside and left the mind link open for those who weren't able to attend so they could still hear me. Even the beta from the Sol y Luna pack was here with four other members.

I stood before everybody with their eyes all trained on me, waiting for me to make my speech. "The attack against the Sol y Luna pack was both unexpected and devastating. But as wolves, we need to help our allies in their time of need and look out for each other. Other packs have been informed and are prepared to fight the Bloodshed pack on my command."

My pack nodded in agreement.

"Just to clear the air, Faye is my mate. She's your luna who is trying to recover from her wounds she suffered." The packs face all morphed into sudden sadness and understanding. They had all been feeling low lately and now they understood why. Their luna had been hurt and it was affecting them all.

"Is luna Faye going to be alright?"

"Her body is still trying to recover but she'll be fine as long as she gets to rest. For now, everybody is to train and lend aid to the Sol y Luna pack's needs. As an alpha, any concerns will be addressed before any major decisions are made as a pack."

"Yes alpha." Their wolves eyes flashed at the sound of authority in my voice. Klay made himself known, making the pack bow their heads before going back to what they were doing.

I made my way over to the Sol y Luna members along with Damon by my side.

"Micah couldn't make it due to everything back home. We were also sent here to see Faye, our wolves are protective of one our own, especially since after the attack. As soon as she makes a full recovery, Micah wants her sent back to the pack."

"No." Mine and Klay's voice mixed together making a deep inhuman growl come out. They bowed their heads and didn't make eye contact until Klay would retreat which wasn't anytime soon especially since Faye's name came in the conversation.

"We're here to take Josephina's body back to the pack for a proper burial. Will you point us to where Grayson is so we can make arrangements on where he wants to bury his mate."

"Grayson left."

"What do you mean he left? His daughter is here." The beta had a look of utter confusion etched on his face.

"Josephina's death hit him hard. He's not in the right state of mind."

"Have you told Faye?"

"Not yet."

"We're going to check on her then report back to Micah. We'll talk more about Faye's recovery and where she'll stay later." The beta exhaled, "I can't believe Grayson left Faye in such a state. Our pack is very spiritual and family oriented, I'm sorry if this caused you stress."

"She's my mate, I'll do anything for her," I stated.

"We'll go look for Grayson afterward."

"There's no need for that. He needs to relieve his stress and when he comes back, he'll come here for Faye," Damon answered for me.

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