4.) Closer

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"Seasons of waiting are designed to prepare you, stretch your faith, and get you ready for everything that's coming next."
  -Mandy Hale

Erik's POV

The next morning had been one of the few peaceful times that I've woken up with a decent amount of sleep.

I dreamt of the yellow light that I had seen when I was younger. The glow was bright, yet I was staring directly at the center of it. It radiated energy that emanated into me with full of exuberance.

The short dream didn't make sense, though I knew something was going to happen today. I could only hope that something good can come of this dream's significance.

It had been a few weeks since I had first started training Olivia. She learned rather quickly than what I would have suspected. The pack was helpful especially Jason on helping her.

Uncle Jonah was still out with the pack warriors trying to track down the two packs responsible for invading our territory without consulting us first.
They found a camp set up a few miles down, but no one was there. The smells were faint though they traveled along the woods making the trail of their whereabouts unknown.

We noticed that the scents would pick up again every once in a while and discovered that the wolves were constantly moving, never staying in one area too long. The wolves were intelligent and knew how to stay hidden from others.

My first analysis was rogues then I smelled again sensing a pack smell lingering together. I was out in the woods today with the others and Olivia. This was her first time tracking with us.
The pack was a little apprehensive of sending her in so soon but we figured she had to get her learning experience done somehow. We were all in our wolf forms, traveling in three's. Damon and  Olivia accompanied me. 'Anything?'

'Their scents aren't too strong to pick up. They probably left quickly before their smells enhanced.' Damon's wolf mentioned while digging up some dirt.
Klay glowered at the mention of not finding anything. He was territorial of the land and alert when protecting the pack from unwelcome visitors. He knew of my past and vowed as the stronger part of me to embrace the wolf within so he can take care of things without me having to worry about anything.

'I got something.' Olivia's voice said entering our minds.

I and Damon went where she was at and watched her sniff the dirt on the floor vigorously. She huffed making the dirt appear on her nose.

'There were four wolves out here with another scent that is stronger than the rest.' She continued to walk while keeping her nose close to the floor.' She looked up abruptly with her wolf eyes changing color then took off running.

Klay didn't waste any time running after her. She was running at an incredible speed even though her wolf was smaller than the average wolf.

She stopped and stared out into a distance. Klay went into view and saw a woman lying on the floor with bruises and cuts on her body. I slowly moved forward when the woman whimpered turning away.

Suddenly Olivia took cautious steps to the woman and embraced her. She nudged the woman's arm so she could look into her eyes. The lady gasped with a few tears slipping past her eyes. I turned to Damon.

'We have to take her back, Erik.' I could see the sympathy in his eyes at the state she was in. 'How can wolves do this to a human?'

'I don't know, but we need to take her back immediately.'

We approached them only to have Olivia's wolf growl at us. 'She doesn't like strangers. I'll carry her on my back.'

'Liv, your wolf is small. I don't think you're capable of carrying her on your back.'

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