5.) Cupcake?

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"I think some souls have a way of connecting without our knowledge. That's why you can meet someone for the first time, but inside you just know. You know it is not the first time you've felt them."

Erik's POV

The woman had glanced at me from her book. She looked at me with wide eyes then quickly got out of her seat. "You're the soon to be alpha that's visiting right?"

I simply nodded my head, not knowing what I would tell her. She stood in place staring at me as I walked further into the living room.

There were a whole bunch of toys and games lying around in the living room. My heart ached at the thought that my mate had a kid with someone else. Though I couldn't find it in me to feel sad at the situation, only disappointed.

"What's your name?" She asked, while curiously staring at me. A stuffed animal of an elephant with big blue eyes caught my attention.

"Erik." She said, moving into my line of sight, making me look at her. "I'm going to be honest," she started to rub her arm looking away shyly. "Looking at you gives me chills, in a good way."

'Somethings not right.' Klay mentioned trying to pull me away from the girl.

"I'm Camilla by the way."

"Cupcake?" A voice squeaked from behind Camilla.

The voice was like a gentle vibration upon reaching my ears. It was a soothing tone that erupted in the atmosphere, making me feel calmer.

The hairs on my arms stood up along with the beating of my heart. I felt Klay stir within me feeling eager and anxious. A shiver went down my spine when Camilla moved to the side to reveal, her.

There was a little girl holding a nicely decorated cupcake offering it to me. I was speechless and too stunned to say anything once more. This little girl was my mate?

I approached her apprehensively and reached down for the cupcake, purposely touching her fingers to see if it was all true. Once I made contact with her delicate fingers, I knew. She was the one I've been waiting for.

I gasped in surprise at the electric sparks. She tilted her head at me curiously, probably wondering why I had such astonishment overcome me.

I stood up straight looking down at the petite girl. Her hazel eyes seemed to glow with a brightness when she smiled at me.

"Thank you." As I was admiring her, she seemed to be waiting for me to eat the cupcake that she offered me. The cupcake was chocolate with pink frosting decorated with star sprinkles. The cupcake was snatched out of my hand by Camilla as she glared at her sister.

"Faye, I told you not to mess with the cupcakes." Camilla turned to me changing her expression. "I'm sorry, it's just that last time she overbaked some of them."

Klay growled at her in my head. He wanted the cupcake because it was made by our mate. I, on the other hand, didn't know how to feel. Should I just walk away and wait out the years for her to be of age or do I simply form a bond with her before she gets her wolf?

"Why did you decorate these cupcakes when I told you to throw them away?"

"I don't want to waste food." They both glared at each other seeming to forget that I was in the room too. I cleared my throat to catch their attention.

"Sorry. Erik, this is my little sister Faye. She thinks just because it's her birthday that she can do whatever she wants."

"You're supposed to listen to me today," Faye said, directing it to her sister.

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