11.) The Calm Before the Storm

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"Happiness is short-lived, so enjoy every single moment while it lasts. And pain, just like happiness, comes with an expiration date. Learn as much from it as you can."                      -Chloe Hidalgo

Erik POV

After my coronation, I had started to visit the Suárez family a lot more. Of course, I still had my alpha duties to attend to but I always made sure everything was settled before leaving.

This lasted for a whole month until my uncle and Damon scolded me, telling me that an alpha should always be with the pack because anything can happen when I'm gone. So, my visits were cut short to only three times a month.

It would've been easier if we both had phones to call each other but most wolves didn't want to chance being tracked by outsiders especially hunters that believed in us, not that we've seen them in so long. We were rather much content living deep in the woods far from the humans to keep ourselves from being exposed.

Phantom was usually my messenger that would send my messages to Faye and her family to see how they were doing. The thing that surprised me the most was when a white raven was by my window. It was the same one that I had seen during my coronation.

I remember apprehensively approaching the raven to take the rolled up paper to read it. It was Faye's handwriting, 'Do you like her? I named her Angel because she looks like one. Now Phantom has someone to play with so he won't be so lonely. We all miss you, Erik. Please visit soon. P.S. I'll allow you into the house if you come with cupcakes.'

The letter had been sent to me yesterday morning. That was the very reason why I was at their house now, in the very situation I was in.

"I'm not talking to you, Erika!"

"Erika?" I said one thing to her that she didn't like and now she was calling me different names.

Her mother turned to me while playing with Faye's hair. "She changes people's names to the opposite gender. When she's mad at me, she calls me by my actual name Josefina instead of mom."

Josefina shook her head and chuckled while looking down on her daughter. "My silly girl. Grayson, can you watch her?"

Klay perked up at our chance for Faye not to be mad at us. "No, I'll do it. She may be mad at me but there's no one else I'd like to watch over her than me when she's not with you guys."

"Alright then." Grayson and Josefina left the room while I walked over to Faye who was coloring. I squatted down beside her to see what she was doing, but she moved her drawing away, her back facing me.

"Don't be like that Faye."

She kept ignoring me. I went over to her paints and started to watercolor on the textured paper. From my peripheral vision, I could see her sneaking a peek at me behind her hair.

I tried my best at painting this image I had in my head. It didn't come out perfect but enough to know what it was. I let it dry then put it next to Faye who didn't even give it a glance. I sighed dramatically hanging my head down. "Well if you don't want me here then I'll just go."

My plan was set in motion as I raced down the stairs and slammed the door. I hid in the living room where Camilla was about to yell at me but I pressed a finger to my lips, urging her to be quiet.

Sure enough little footsteps were heard running down the stairs. "Erik, I'm sorry!" She opened the front door running out. I looked out the window to see her running around trying to find me while holding the fairy painting I made for her.

"I love your painting! Now come back, please!" She pleaded out. Camilla walked outside by the door laughing to herself.

"You hurt his feelings, Faye. If only you saw the look on his face before he left."

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