
490 10 2

Percy : Who wants to help me study ??????

Annabeth : Study for what ??????

Percy : You know, boring stuff .

Annabeth : No, I meant like math .

Percy : * falls out of chair * How did you know I had to study for math ??????????????

Annabeth : Idiot.

Percy : What did you just call me?? >:I

Annabeth : Never mind.

Percy : That's what I thought.

Leo : Percy, I will help you study.

Percy :Thanks man.

Annabeth : lol. Good luck with that.

Leo : What is that supposed to mean.

Annabeth : Nothing.

Annabeth : Your just not smart.

Nico : Oooooooohhhhhhhh she told you.

Leo : Come on,I'm smart.

Hazel : Smarter than a block off wood.

Piper : Since when was Leo smarter than a block of wood.

Leo : Oh come on , I'm really good at math.

Leo : So Percy , am I helping you or not. Because if I'm not , I need to work on getting a


Percy : Ok, Leo I you can help me.

Annabeth : Good luck . You will need it .


Percy : leoooooooooo !!!!

Leo : Yes, you called.

Nico : More liked screamed.

Percy : Because of you I got a 88% on my test.

Leo : An 88 is good.

Percy : I know this is the highest grade I got all year.

Annabeth : Well , I stand corrected. * stands up *

Piper : Percy, I really don't want to see your report card.

-Annabeth , Leo , Percy , Poseidon , Jason , Nico , and 223 others like this post -

Percy : I'm just happy it's the end of the year, and I can't wait to see everyone at Camp Half blood. ( especially Annabeth )

Aphrodite : love is in the air.

Jason : I can't wait to see Piper <3

Frank : I can't wait to see Hazel

Leo : I can't wait to find a girl friend ( That's right ladies I'm still single ;)

Annabeth : *through up a little*

Percy : Well, see you soon :)

Thanks for reading. This is dasdkj1967 peace out

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