Chapter 3 - What kind of birthday present is that?

Start from the beginning

Father gibes him a forceful push in the right direction: "And what else do you have to say?"

Damian breathes heavily, probably hoping to suck up self-control. "I'm sorry, Mum ...", he takes another deep breath, "and Valentino." I can tell that he's still furious, because he didn't call me Mooki. He only calls me Valentino when he's about to tear my head off.

After a few seconds silence Mother asks the doctor: "And what's the matter with the little one, Thomas?"

"That's not easy to explain, Luna." He calls her by her title. That's her right as the wife of the Alpha. Her first name is Maria. "I've examined the boy. Physically he's completely healthy, but there's something unusual in his blood. His estrogen level is extremely high, but that didn't explain why he was unconsciousness. I was really puzzled. We all know the magic in us heals injuries immediately, also in omegas - just much slower. But I've never seen one of them pass out without an obvious reason and be unconscious for twelve hours. So I searched for the answer in books, which unfortunately was unsuccessful. I had too little to go by. Valentino had passed out, was unconscious for hours, has an extremely high estrogen level and he didn't feel comfortable all day long yesterday - according to his friend Liam. So I had no choice but to ask my colleagues for advice. After almost a dozen futile calls, I described the case to Doctor Goodfield. He's the doctor of the Dark Knight Pack in South Africa. He asked me if it was Valentino birthday yesterday. After I confirmed it, he told me what was wrong with him. A few years ago he had the same case. What happens with your son is rare, really rare. It's ... it's a miracle that I've figured it out before it will show. Well, it wouldn't make a difference though, because it can't be stopped anyway. It's extraordinary - really extraordinary."

He pauses, which literally stops me from breathing. He obviously tries to figure out the best way to break the news gently to us. Meanwhile, my heart is racing so fast that it feels as if it would jump through my neck and disappear through my mouth. I can't take it anymore.

What did he mean by extraordinary and it can't be stopped anyway?

The pain that rips thought my head is completely irrelevant to me at this point. I finally want to know what's going on with me. Apparently father wants this too, because he asks displeased and concerned: "What's exactly wrong with him, Thomas? And no more talking around it."

Doctor O'Brien sighs and changes my life forever with four little words: "The magic in him turns him into a girl."

Gasps fill the room. The air is so thick from the shock of the announcement it could be cut with a dull knife. Immediately my hands fly from my face. I stare at the doctor full of panic and lean on my elbows, no matter how much I torture myself.

He's kidding! This isn't possible!

All eyes are on me. Then I ask what everyone in the room wants to know: "Why is it happening?" My voice is only a thin, trembling breath.

"Well, that's simple to explain. As we all know, every Omega is the mate of a dominant werewolf. Unfortunately sometimes the moon goddess seems to make a mistake when she connects two of our kind. Normally, the body of the submissive werewolf matches the desires and sexual preferences of the dominant, so there will be no conflicts, but, as I said, there are instances where things take a different turn." The Dumbledore double puts his hand on mine and pads it gently. I wouldn't have thought it could be possible for him to look more worried, but he succeeds at it. "Apparently your body as a boy doesn't fit the sexual orientation of your future mate, so the magic inside of you turns you into a girl."

Again, a small eternity filled with terrible silence passes, until father clears his throat and asks: "How long will the transformation last?"

The doctor turns away and looks at the Alpha. My eyes follow his to my family. Both my parents are completely in shock. Again and again they look at each other, then at the doctor and then at me. Damian, on the other hand, would like to set me on fire with his dark blue eyes that seem to glow in anger, in order to finally get rid of the problem I have become for him.

Dr. O'Brien's answers promptly: "According to my colleague from South Africa, it should be over in three months time."

"Is it going to hurt him?", asks mother worried, rubbing her cheeks to wipe away tears that keep on streaming out of her sad eyes.

"I'll give him painkillers. Then it won't get too bad." In the corner of my grotesquely opened eyes, which have clung to my big brother, I notice the doctor looking worried at me. "Are you in pain right now?" I nod absently. "Then I'll give you something immediately."

As he gets up to get his bag from my desk, Damian's breathing gets heavier with every breath he takes. He clenches his trembling hands to fists and growls: "Why can't you be normal once - just once? You're such a freak! It's embarrassing and it's getting worse by the day! I wish you would disappear forever!"

That did it. Unable to prevent it, tears stream out of my eyes like two little rivers of pure sadness. Had he stabbed a knife into my heart, it would have hurt much less.

Father threatens: "Be quiet, Damian, or you'll regret it!"

I turn away, crouch into the fetal position and whine like in a long scream: "I'm-so-sorry."

Shortly after, I feel a hand caressing my back. Its mother who wants to soothe me: "Don't cry, Puppy, everything will be alright, you'll see."

"What a freak", spits Damian full of poison, making me feel even worse.

That drives father over the edge: "Didn't I tell you that you should control yourself or you would have to live with the consequences of your behavior? Now you've crossed the line! You should ..."

"That's so unfair", his eldest son interrupts him full of rage. Each of his words turns the blade in my heart. "You always understand him, never me! He's embarrassing me! And ..."

"You embarrass yourself and all of us with your behavior", the Alpha roars. "And now get out of the room, before I'll forget myself! What are you waiting for! We'll have a long talk - now!" Then they both stomp away.

I feel so desperate, crying uncontrollably, that I threaten to drown in my own tears. That's why I'm glad that Doctor O'Brien gives me an injection that not only takes the pain away, but also knocks me out. A last thought bursts through my head and out of my quivering lips before darkness surrounds me: "Now my life will be hell forever!"

By The Sparkle Of The Moonlight (Watty2017)Where stories live. Discover now