The corners of my lips had turned up.



The first time I came to know Draco Malfoy was a good person deep down, I was 12.

Our second year had just gotten over and all the Slytherin were in the common room, celebrating the fact that it was our last night in school till next year.

I was seated on one of the armchairs near the windows, in the corner, a book in my hand and a smile on my face as I spoke to Daphne Greengrass, my fellow roommate and only friend in this school.

She was very excited about the fact that the next time she came to Hogwarts she would be accompanied by her younger sister, Astoria.

I looked up as a flash of pale blond hair flicked across my line of sight and watched as Draco Malfoy sat down on the armchair next to mine. Engrossed in a conversation with Blaise Zabini.

It wasn't until hoots started sounding off and everybody turned in our general direction that I looked around cautiously and my gaze settled on Draco Malfoy who was smirking abashedly.

"Do you guys really want to see me summon the snake?" Draco drawled, his voice sounding extremely happy.

My gasp of fear was drowned by all the other Slytherins yelling and cheering Draco to actually do it.

"Yes C'mon Malfoy!" Flint shouted, "Show us!"

"Okay." Malfoy shrugged standing up, but my hands had already gone to pull the back of his robes as he stood in front of me.

"Please Draco no." I whispered, not knowing if he heard me, but I couldn't scream it out. I was a Slytherin, if I said I feared snakes everybody in the common room would dissolve in laughter.

Thankful for being in the corner and the fact that no one could see my hand pulling back Malfoy's robes, I whispered, "Don't" again, almost desperately.

Draco's hand stilled in mid-air, his wand held out ready to cast the spell, but the he abruptly turned around halfway to me, his eyebrow going up questionably at me. I was sure I did not succeed in keeping the fear out of my face.

He turned back ahead, his hand still out in front of him and for a spilt second in which I braced myself for the appearance of the black snake, I was sure Malfoy hadn't given my whimpers any heed.

But then he did the one thing I was sure he would never do, he listened to me. Instead of casting the spell he lazily put his wand-hand down and laughed out loud.

"How do you people plan on making it disappear if I summon it?" he drawled loftily, looking around the faltering expressions on all the surrounding faces.

I had merely let out a breath of relief when Flint perked up, "I'm sure Snape must've told you the spell to make it disappear too Malfoy!"

And the fear was back.

"No he didn't, Flint." Draco countered, lazily, sitting back down on his previously occupied armchair, "I'll do the spell when one of you learns to send it away."

As the crowds melted away from around us, Draco turned to me, giving me a small smile, one which I weakly found myself returning.

It was next day, on the train when he told me that he did know the spell to send it away, but I smiled up at him anyway, because he still hadn't summoned it.



The first time I realised Carina cared about me, I was 13.

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