"Ah, it's not that good of quality

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"Ah, it's not that good of quality... sorry."

He takes a look at the picture, "Nah, it's dope!"

I grin at his excitement of the photo.

His happiness is contagious.


"So tell me, plans for UCLA?" Colby asks me.

We are aloof of the city, and are overlooking over it as if we were guardian angels. He and I sat on the ground, closely together watching the night life.

Mesmerizing scenery, fascinating lifestyle.
So many cars still drove at this time of almost eleven o'clock at night.

The city does not ever sleep. Welcome to LA.

"Be the best. Graduate with a Bachelors, move to Connecticut and get my PhD at Yale. That's the plan."

"Wow, you have your life already set," He smiles.

"I guess. I'm going to have to be on my A-game though everywhere I go... I'm not looking forward to it."

"At least you're fucking good at bringing your A-game," He says, comforting me.

I smirk, "You would know."

"Of course I'd know."

We laugh and nothing else mattered at the moment besides us, sitting here together.

"Hey... how do you feel about the lawsuit happening next week?"

"Alright... I just want to get it over with, honestly," He sighs. A long pause lingers. Finally, he says, "Are you actually on Kai's side?"

I scrunch my face up. That's a stupid question.

"No, for the quadrillionth time, no. I'm on nobody's side."

"Why won't you just help Sam?"

"Why don't I just, not?"

He hums in disapproval, "Ash. Seriously."

"Colby, drop it. I've already given you my reason in front of Sam's parents. Nothing has changed. It's a waste of time and money, to be honest."

"It's for Sam's justice!" He argues.

"Justice for what?" I groan, "There's no justice beating served. Sam's alive, Kai made a mistake, nobody's dead."

"Okay, fine. I'm done."

"Good," I sigh.

A silence creeps up on us and we sat with no sound but the beeps and zooms by the passing cars below us.

"How's your feelings?" Colby finally asks, turning off our mute conversation.

I raise an eyebrow, "My feelings?"

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