Dark Strike

Depuis le début

But then there was a loud roar from the screen. It sounded like an elephant's roar. Jason whirled back to the screen. The video feed was pointed at the ground, shaking and forth. There was a loud noise from somewhere out of frame and the person holding the phone screamed. The scream was so loud Jason actually recoiled as if he had been physically struck.

The phone lifted up and Jason caught a glimpse of something at the other end of the alley. Audrey gasped. It was Incisor. The massive elephant-man towered before the chain link fence, an MP5 in one hand, a grenade launcher in the other. The monster raised his enormous head and let loose a earthshaking trumpet.

The man screamed and moved back but seemed to trip and fell down in a pile of garbage. Somehow, he didn't drop his phone and kept it pointed at the elephant-man before him. Incisor then kicked the fence, crushing it like it was made of plaster, and began to march forward, the ground shaking with each step.

A siren rang out and a cop car pulled behind Incisor. Two cops emerged and without even a word, drew their pistols and opened fire. The cameraman shrieked as the gunshots rang out, his phone shaking violently back and forth.

Incisor snorted and slowly turned around, seemingly not effect by the bullets. The cops lowered their guns and one shouted at the other. But before they could make another move, Incisor fired the grenade launcher.

The round struck the police car and it exploded in a burst of flame. The impact launched the car several feet off the ground, chunks of it exploding in a burst of flaming metal and glass. Both of the cops were flung away from the vehicle and hit the road. They didn't get up, one of their uniform's on fire.

Now the man with the phone got up and began to run. His phone lowered to his side, now just showing a blurry picture of the road. His feet clattered against the pavement, while his breathing was harsh and intense.

Another trumpeting roar came from behind him, following by a large earthshaking series of footfalls. They get closer and closer with each second, until...

There was a horrible cracking noise, following by a sickening wet crunch. The man let out a horrid gurgling scream, sounding like he was choking on something. The phone slipped from his hands and hit the sidewalk, bouncing several times before stopping. It was cracked from the fall but despite that, it was face upwards and Jason saw what was happening.

A young man, probably no older than him, was impaled on one of Incisor's tusks. The man flailed about in pure agony, screaming, as blood and who knows what else spewed like a fountain from where the tusk was impaled through his body. Incisor roared, shaking the helpless victim around several times before he ripped the man off his tusk, leaving his tusk coated in fresh blood. The elephant-man hurled the guy into the alley wall, which he struck with a splat and then fell into a pile of garbage, leaving a huge bloody smear on the wall.

Incisor then roared, raising his MP5 and firing it wildly into the air. He marched forward and his huge foot slammed down on the phone. The screen went black.

There was a long silence. But it was broken suddenly and abruptly. Laureen snarled, "We need to get down there. Now."

"Agreed I'll fly us down there what time is it" James said quickly, grabbing a nearby man's hand and yanking it over, peering at the fellow's watch. "Ah two thirty AM plenty of time yes I'll fly us over there immediately people are dying good people innocent people being massacred killed butchered they need us now now now!"

Axel nodded slowly, running a hair through his hair. "Okay...get down there and do your thing. I'll try my best to support you all but with our meager resources, I can't promise anything substantial."

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman WarOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant