“I’m not like that I swear its just,” he stops as he walks to the side of me, “Its something different about you and it’s setting me off.”

“Setting you off? So what I’m like a nuke or something?”

He shakes his head, “I don’t know, I just know when you’re around things get hazy and I can’t think.”

I could feel my cheek warming up as I say, “And that’s a bad thing?

“No, just, it’s just confusing for me right now.”

I nod, “Oh.”

Silence passes through us I say, “Why do I feel like you’ve been distant and weirder than usual since the whole art gallery incident?”

He shrugs, “I don’t know, why do you? As far as I know, I haven’t been close to begin with.”

I felt embarrassed, because that was true.

Walking to the table he picks up a stick and hands me a marshmallow.

“How was your walk after you left?” I ask as I shake my head declining the marshmallow.

He nods he holds onto his stick and picks up a mini bag with a few more marshmallows, “It was cool, caught up with Liam and Niall before we made it back here.”

I nod.

“And you?”

“I helped set up with things around here.”

Looking around at the food and snacks he says, “Have fun?”

I nod, “Tons.”

He stares at me as I laugh and says, “You want to go roast these things?”

I nod, “Yeah.”

Walking towards the campfire Harry says, “So earlier,”

I turn to him.

“Earlier,” Harry starts, “You said that you ‘had to move’ Why?”

“It’s a long story.” I say.

“We have time,” looking down at me he says, “All night to be exact.”

Smiling I continued to walk as I walked over to where Ashton and Charlotte sat.

“Hey Anna-banana.” Says Ashton as he looks up at me. Glancing over my shoulder he says, “Sup Harry.”

“Sup.” Says Harry.

Sitting down on the bench next to them Harry sat next to me, brushing his leg against mine sending a wave of warmth and shock throw me. Closing my eyes for a split second I took it in as I opened my eyes to see him looking at me.

“What?” I ask.

“You felt that too, didn’t you?” he ask in a whisper, a whisper so soft that sounded as if it traveled with the wind.

“Felt what?” I ask trying to see if he would respond.

Shaking his head he looks at his marshmallow and nods towards the fire, “So how long are we supposed to keep these bad boys in the flames?”

“Just until they get a little color, you don’t want to burn them or they’ll be like burnt flame balls.” Taking his I say, “Here I’ll show you.”

Handing me his stick he watches me as I lean forward and put the stick into the fire.

“I usually just count to like 5, you know like 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi.” Holding there for a count of 5 I pull it out as it flames, “Then you blow out the flame,” motioning around the marshmallow I say, “And you see the brown and slight burns from the flames? It adds to the flavor.” Holding it between us I pinch off a piece as it pulls all melted, kind of reminding me of cheese as I eat a piece off my finger and says, “And that’s how you roast a marshmallow.”

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