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So to get you started there are some things you need to know

* I wrote this when I was 11, therefore it is extremely horrible and I am assuring you that my writing isn't like this now

*there is no camp half blood but somehow you find that your a demigod

*im sorry it just starts randomly but this is how it just came to me

* tell me if any of my PJO facts are wrong.

Annabeth's P.O.V.

Percy Jackson is in my Greek class and from time to time I see him glancing over at me. And when I do I turn and glare at him. Greek is easy for me as I'm a Demigod, and I know almost everything about it. I've started thinking that Percy might be one as well as I know that he has ADHD and Dyslexia, just like me, but it would be pretty weird to ask him 'hey Percy, I'm a demigod and I've started thinking that you're on as well. So answer the question. Are you a demigod?' Yeah that would be a pretty weird conversation to start up in the high school hallways."what is the name of the girl who lives alone on Ogygia?" The Greek teacher, Mr Brunner, asked. I put up my hand, "yes Annabeth?"

"Calypso" I say. Mr Brunner nods at my answer and the bell rings. Everyone yells and pounds the fists in the air as its Friday, the last day of school, where winter break starts, the Christmas Holidays. I don't participate in the cheer just roll my eyes as Percy looks at me expectantly.

I walk out of the classroom and get squished by my fellow high schoolers. When I get to my locker I put in the six digit code, 284362, meaning Athena, and get all my books out my locker. I have to stay here after school, with Mr Blofis, the English teacher, for tutoring (my Dyslexia makes it hard for everyone) and then I have to go to the library, and get a book on architecture, Greek architecture. I want to be an Architect when I grow up, and I'm seventeen so I'd better start now.

After my tutoring class with Mr Blofis, I make my way to the library to get my book. On the way as I am looking down into my English book, trying to read what it says, someone bumps into me.

"Sorry Annabeth! Besides that how is ma favorite Demigod?" He asks. I just stare at him my mouth agape and he looks offended.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Just assumed it. So I'm right?" He asks with his trademark lopsided grin, I nod in response.

"Who's your parent?" I ask



"We're supposed to hate each other than" he says, and for a moment I am lost in his sea-green eyes

"Yes, but I don't want to" I say quietly. I've devolved a small crush on him, and I want him to ask me out, but why would the captain of the swimming team ask a blonde nerd out?

"Neither do I" he mutters and I hear him

"Really seaweed brain?" I ask giving him a nickname

"Yeah" he pauses for a while before saying "wise girl"

I raise an eyebrow at him and laugh " that's the best you've got?"

" yeah you got a problem with that?" He asks poking me in the stomach

I laugh " no"

" good. Do you want to come over to my house for homework?"

I blush furiously and nod.

"I live 3 blocks from here you can walk with me."

"Really I live 4!" I exclaim. " we can walk together if you want."

He nods quickly and I am beginning to think he has a crush on me


So how do ya think?

It is my first chapter of my first fanfic and I know it's short but please forgive me!

The next chapter will be about Percy and Annabeth doing their homework at Percy's house and Sally will make Annabeth very embarrassed.

Good Girls Are Bad Girls /completed 2014/Where stories live. Discover now