Epilogue (Till We Meet Again)

Start from the beginning

"For what?" Vincent raised a brow, lips coiled into a frown.
"I didn't do anything for you, and I don't plan to. I'll get my daughter back myself."

Shadow laughed.

"Oh but you have done something for me! You completed the ritual as instructed even if you may have helped those pests in burning me." Shadow flicked a stray piece of ash off of his shoulder with a side eye.
"In return, as due to our agreement, I have something for you."

Vincent scoffed, laughing almost as he shook his head.

"Oh yeah sure. You're the one who said that the deal was off and you no longer needed my help. What could you possibly have to give me now that isn't my daughter." Vincent gripped the cigarette tightly before releasing it to the ground. Stomping its flame out with his shoe.

"Your distrust truly hurts," shadow sighed, "I promise to you it is worth it. Besides, isn't anything worth the risk to know if I have a way to reunite you with your daughter again?"

Vincent stared at the driveway in silence. His heart pounded in anxiety as he replayed the words in his mind. Shadow had him with that. Did he really want to get mixed up in this again?

But, Charlie...

Vincent clenched his hands into fists until at last he met shadows gaze. Fuck it.

"Fine, then lead the way."

Shadow hummed moving from the car door motioning towards it for Vincent.

"Then let us return to where it all began shall we?" Shadow motioned for Vincent to step inside the vehicle.

Chewing the inside of his cheek, wondering what to do, Vincent stuffed his hands inside his pockets. Feeling for his keys and finding them there already. He guessed he had to go now. Trudging forward he got in, starting it up and driving towards the now closed Freddy's Pizzeria.

It was just like him, as he predicted, an empty husk of what used to be. The signage and letters had been removed leaving stains of what used to be there engraved against the building due to weather. There weren't any lights on, and even from the car he could see the things missing from within.

"Come on out of the car, and enter once more." Shadow's voice echoed in his mind, though he was nowhere to be seen. Vincent turned the car off getting out as instructed to stand outside of the place once more.

There was a feeling in his chest, something felt different about it tonight. As if it wasn't just going to be him and shadow within the confines of this place. Regardless Vincent trudged forward, unlocking the doors with the keys he purposely kept after the closing.

The door swung open with a long break revealing just how bare it was inside. Vincent glanced around at the removed entry desk, and prize corner that once was within this room.

"Well?" Vincent couldn't help his impatience.

"Now follow me." Shadow walked out of seemingly nowhere leading Vincent down the hallway. Vincent followed entering the main party room.
"This way."

Vincent watched as shadow walked towards the  arcade area, and quickly followed after him.

Is he taking me to...no he couldn't be.

Vincent looked around at the bare arcade room as he thought to himself only to stop seeing shadow round one last corner.

"Follow me." Shadow beckoned, and Vincent begrudgingly followed. But as he turned the corner to a hallway that seemingly led nowhere Vincent knew exactly where shadow was taking him.
"Seem familiar?"

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