Chapter 4 Golden Boy

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(A/N: There isn't exactly character sheet for how Goldie looks, but the picture above is the best I can find. Basically just the same outfit as Freddy,  he's just different looking. Happy reading!)

You really didn't want to be here. Back standing gazing at those glass doors, not after what happened last night. But you didn't have a choice now. Anxiously biting your lip, you unlocked the doors, pushing them open and then locking them as soon as you were inside. But safely wasn't the word you'd use in this predicament.

You couldn't help but be paranoid, that feeling of someone watching you didn't go away like you had hoped it would. It was like someone was just drilling holes into the back of your head when ever you turned around, but when you quickly turned to see who was gazing at you, you were met with no one.

I just need to calm down. I'm obviously just really tired with this new sleep schedule.

You tried to rationalize everything within your mind fiddling nervously with your tie. (You hated that thing but you had to wear it because of the stupid uniform.) Sucking in a deep breath you forced your shoulders to relax marching towards the entry hallway. You don't want to stand around for too long, after seeing Bonnie at your door last night you're absolutely mortified to what might happen if you stick around.

You didn't bother to look at the animatronics on stage, just wanting to get to your office as soon as you possible could. Head low, hand grasping the strap to your bag tightly your speed walk turned to a full jog in an attempt to get away from the main show stage. Unaware in your haste that their eyes were watching you.

Finally! At last! The office was almost like a safe haven even for the second night. At least for while you were inside the pizzeria, you'd pick a grave yard at midnight as a safer place over Freddy's at night. Heaving a heavy breath, unsure if it was caused from your sprint to get here or your anxiety, you laid your bag down against the floor.

You didn't bother to look at the time taking a seat at the swivel chair as you had last night, though this time you picked up the tablet with shaky hands. It was silent, all expect for the fan which continued its loud buzzing in the corner of the office. But it's not something you minded too much, it wasn't complete silence. Complete silence seriously bothers you.

You flicked through the cameras a few times before placing the tablet down feeling yourself shaking again. If anyone saw you right now they'd just assume you were cold. But it was fear that was making you this way. An increasing impending fear.




For a second time the phone scared you, making you jump in your chair worth a yelp. Your shift must of just begun now if the phones ringing again. You assume this phone guy has it set on a timer for you. Although he was a stranger his voice brought you a sense of security even if he wasn't really here with you.

Reaching for the phone you pressed the speaker button laying it down on the table pressing your lips together. Don't panic, just stay calm.

"Uhh, Hello? Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this then you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses..." as the recording began, it took a dimmer turn than youd of liked.

Your eyes looked up towards the phone on the desk, gazing at it with a pleading look. But it's not like anyone could see it. No one was gazing at you right now.

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