Chapter 6 Bitter As Coffee, Sweet As Cake

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You didn't want to go to work, you'd rather remain home. But when you had woken up you knew you couldn't stay here like you wanted. But that didn't mean you didn't try to procrastinate going to work.

You were afraid, so many things were running through your mind and the only things that remained from all your dreams was the face of that blond guy, the man wearing that golden bonnie suit, and the feeling of being strangled.

You didn't remember anything else, it was all a blur. It doesn't matter though, you wished (F/N) had been awake when you had left. You felt like every night you leave for this hellish job you wouldn't return. What night is it now? 3-4? The days are beginning to blur together so early. You just wished you had been able to tell (F/N) goodbye.

Time was ticking away the more you refused to go inside, but you had to go in before midnight. Standing just outside the pizzeria you could hear thunder rumbling in the distance, a storm was coming. Somehow it made the pizzeria look even scarier on the outside than it was inside.

You forced yourself to walk, to make your way towards the entrance of the establishment and unlock the door. Forcing yourself to stand inside the cold pizzeria. Light flashed from just behind you, making you turn quickly jumping and yelping at the sound of thunder. (The lightening had struck so close that it shook the building.)

Your heart was slamming against your ribs, at this rate you figured you'd either get used to the feeling of fear or your heart would break free of the bone confinement and runaway from you. You're shaking again as you looked away to peer down the dark entry hallway.

One step at a time.

You sucked in a breath, rolling the sleeves up to your blouse securely tucking the fabric to rest on your elbows, with a step forward you tried to ease your nerves. You felt like you had just woken up from all these nightmares just to walk straight into another one. Only this one was reality.

You fear at this point, with the nightmares happening every time you try to sleep to having to stay up all night anyway for this job, you'd become an insomniac. But you should of guessed this would happen huh?

Your breathing was labored was you entered the main show room. (Main party room? Main stage room? You're not even sure what to call it anymore but you guessed all the above was a good answer regardless.) The minutes were ticking down to midnight but all you could do was stand there in the center of the room gazing up at the animatronics on stage who appeared to be looking down at you.

You wanted to say something, but did you really want to look like a crazy person? Talking to something that shouldn't be alive? Just a robot a machine. Though no matter how much you tried to rationalize that, that's not what they were and deep down you knew that.

"I-I don't want to hurt you guys, if you think th-that's why I'm here." You're not sure why you spoke aloud to them, maybe it was to ease your concerns? Maybe to make you feel like you had control over the situation? Regardless of the reasoning you said the words anyway with no response from any of them. (Though somehow you knew they were listening to you.)

" you guys really want to kill me that badly? Have I done something?" Again your words went unanswered, making you feel rather stupid for talking to them.

They're not real, why am I trying to talk to them like they're really listening to me? Is this it have i finally lost my brain?

You frowned, your own mind doubting your subconscious reasoning for speaking aloud. Maybe you really have lost it. You don't even know what today is, what day this is with having the job even though you just started it. But your mind was fuzzy from the nightmares from the feeling of dread.

Insomnia (A Five Night's at Freddy's Various X Reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon