More crazy people...

Start from the beginning

"I don't know." P'Lam answers. "There both hot and heavy, both in fighting and loving."

"P'Beam bullies people but he's not bad." I start. "I just don't like him making P'Forth feel like he's not worth fighting for. He is."

P'Bee pats my head. "I like you Yo, date my Forth."

I look straight at her. "I already have someone."

"Break up, my Forth's better." She smiles.

"I love him." I tell her honestly.

"Well shit." She goes quite, and then adds. "I'm going to check on Fon, that girl concerning me."

She gets up, walks a few steps and then comes back, stands in front of us with her hands on her hips, a serious look on her face.

"If either of you tell anyone I'm Forth's aunt ill strip you, string you upside down cover you in honey and leave you near an ant hill. Clear?"

We both immediately nod our heads, wouldn't that be over kill?

"I thought you liked me p." I ask her.

"I do sweetie." She says patting my cheek. "That's why I warned you." and walks off.

"Women are scary p." I say to P'Lam.

"Shit, Forth's gonna be supper pissed at me." P'Lam sighs.

"Why?" I ask

"I just fell for his aunt."

I stare at him shocked. Great more crazy people I know ....

We get back by evening, were all hungry and tired, P'Bee points to a place to eat. She wants food first, or her stomach will start eating people she says. She's paying for us, P'Brights all for it.

P'Forth hands me his phone, its Ming. I tell him were eating, he shows up a little while later with my gang.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him

"You said baby, trouble and you were singing a lullaby, I got a ride dam it." He says sitting next to me.

"Why the hell are you traitors here?" I ask looking at my gang.

"He said baby we came right over."

There all idiots I swear. P'Bee introduces herself, a friend she says, there happy to meet her. They see P'Forth and gasp and check on him, then they see the baby and the flood gates open. They gush like they never gushed before.

They all try holding him but he won't go to any of them. Now they hate me, bastards.

Fon haven't said more than a few polite words. She excuses herself and goes out.

"You stay with your friend's darling, I'm going to check on her." P'Bee says to P'Forth before going after her.

The gangs oohing, they have no idea, and I shall never speak. If you didn't know there relationship they both seem really close, like a couple.

P'Brights feeling sick, Rome's taking him back to his grandmothers, he doesn't want him to be alone tonight.

"I'm worried about our new member; I hope that senior doesn't hurt him." Elephant says as they leave.

"I think P'Brights oblivious." I tell them.

A few minutes later P'Forth goes to check on the girls, P'Lam follows him. They all start poking me for answers. So I tell them.

There all pissed at the brother, Monty's going to swear when I smack his head, he looks at me, shocked.

"You can't in front of the baby!" I tell him.

He looks at the baby and starts gushing, the idiot.

"If we didn't know better Yo we'd think he was P'Forth's."

"Defiantly, they have a look."

"Well he is his nephew after all" I say.

Ming tries taking the baby again but pouts when he cries.

"But Angel loves me." He's complaining

"You're her uncle she has no choice." I reply

"Yo! I'm great with kids."

"Making them cry."

"Sh..." Elephant covers his mouth with his hand. Baby they all say.

He's making faces at the baby, who cries.

"I rest my case." I say rolling my eyes.

He can't swear at me so he's giving me the 'I hate you' eyes. Pfft amature.

"Did any of you remember my phone?" I ask

They all shake their heads, but chicken gives me my key, well they locked my room that's a blessing right.

The baby's making noises when Ming tries making faces again, I shove him away.

"It's ok baby Bas, he's not scary is he?" I say

He's smiling and clutching my finger.

"Bas?" They all ask.

"It's his name, Gran decided it. She said we can't just keep calling him baby."

It's gone quite, looks like baby Bas wants to sleep, so I'm singing him a lullaby, he's holding onto my finger. Everyone's unusually silent.

"Yo...." I look up when someone says my name.

Standing there is P'Pha looking shocked, his friends beside him.

" had our baby..." He says in awe.


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