"This is the only way the Akuma Clan will live on. I am sending the 10 children to another time where the Akuma's live in peace... And I am sending our child with them." The Akuma Lady explained, making Tsuyoi's eyes widened. He began to try and push his way through the guards, however, they held him tightly.

  "Shouldn't we talk about this?! You're sending our child away!"

  "I have no choice!" Lady Akuma screamed, more tears running down her face. She suddenly turned around. "It's either sacrifice our child or sacrifice my life." Tsuyoi's eyes widened.

  "What do you mean?  Kasumi answer me!" Tsuyoi screamed as tears ran down his face. The Lady Akuma began to shake as she bit her lip while holding her child tightly.

  "I'm sorry. Please go back to fighting. I shall join you on the battlefield soon." After speaking, the Akuma Lady jumped through the portal.

  "Kasumi!" Tsuyoi screamed as he tried to break through the guards.

  "Lord Akuma, please!" One of the guards exclaimed as they held him back.

  Kaisai and Yukichi's eyes were wide as they watched the entire thing. The video stopped as the holographic screen disappeared. They looked at Tsuyoi who had tears running down his face. They ran down his cheeks, however, he still wore a calm expression.

  "The portal disappeared and I had no choice but to continue the battle. After battling for what seemed hours, a bright light suddenly emerged from the middle of the battlefield. I rushed over to the light, knowing it was Kasumi, however before I could reach the light, a strong wave of powerful energy shot everyone back." Tsuyoi explained as he walked down the steps, allowing the tears to fall down his face.

  "The final battle the Lady Akuma was in..." Yukichi spoke with a gasp as her arms shook. Tsuyoi stopped at the last step and sat down.

  "That's right. I fell unconscious due to hitting my head, but after I regained my consciousness, I remembered what happened and ran to Kasumi as fast as possible, going over several lifeless bodies of wizards and Akuma's. After I finally got to her, she was still breathing, but only faintly. She then explained to me the reason for sending all of you to a different time." Tsuyoi spoke.

  "W...Why..." Kaisai questioned.

  "She had a vision... If you were to stay, all of you would have been killed, including our child."

  "Then... Why do you want Hakuoh?" Yukichi suddenly spoke up with a gulp.

  "Hakuoh... So that's the imagination dragon slayer's name. Well, I thought if I was to show her the clip, she could find out where my child is. If I was to have the blood of my child, I would be able to resurrect Kasumi." Tsuyoi explained as he rose from his seat.

  "And what would you do when she's resurrected?" Kaisai questioned, fearing the answer.

  "I will find the rest of the 10 Akuma's and seek revenge on the wizards for destroying what was peaceful." Tsuyoi spoke as he clenched his fists while gritting his teeth. Anger shown in his eyes as he shook violently.

  "But times have changed!" Yukichi exclaimed. All of a sudden, she was thrown back into the wall again as Tsuyoi raised his arm. Yukichi gasped as she placed her hands on her neck, gasping for air. Kaisai tried to run to Yukichi, however, she was suddenly thrown into another wall and began to gasp for air.

  "Times haven't changed at all. Wizards still bring wars to the world. A world with magic is what brought birth to Zeref!" Tsuyoi exclaimed in anger. Just then, he released the two from his magic and allowed them to fall to the ground, gasping for air. "I don't want to hurt you two, but if you get in the way of my plans, I have no choice." Tsuyoi spoke. He walked towards to Yukichi, who was coughing. Soon, his shadow was covering he female, making her look up at him.

  "What...What is your power...?" Yukichi suddenly coughed out. Tsuyoi placed a hand on his hip while smirking.

  "I have control over the mind, the first male Akuma and the first Mind Akuma. I can make anything I envision come to life, as well as putting my enemies into trances." Tsuyoi explained. "Now, to keep you under control, I think it's time for you to go to sleep Yukichi." Tsuyoi spoke as his eyes began to glow. Yukichi's eyes widened and suddenly the light in her eyes disappeared. She slowly began to close her eyes and fell to the ground. Kaisai's eyes widened as tears ran down her face.

  "Yukichi!" Kaisai exclaimed. Tsuyoi turned his head to Kaisai and smiled softly to her.

  "Don't worry, she's not dead. Just asleep. Now you, Kaisai." Tsuyoi spoke as he put his hand out. Kaisai's eyes widened as she was suddenly pulled to Tsuyoi. She was on her feet and Tsuyoi had his hands on her shoulders.  "I think you need to go to sleep as well." Tsuyoi spoke, his eyes glowing. Kaisai began to shake in fear, but then her eyes began to get heavy. She then fell to her knees before falling to the ground. Tsuyou stood there, looking down at them. "Friend or foe, no one will stop me from getting to my child and resurrecting my beloved."


Jinsune was suddenly thrown into a bookshelf by Hotaru. Hotaru smirked as he stood in the middle of the room with shadows surrounding him. Emiko and Sting went to attack Hotaru, but the shadows deflected their attacks and pushed them back. Lucy and Yukino summoned their celestial spirits, Loki and Pisces, and began to fight with them, however, Hotaru pushed Lucy and Yukino back with his shadows.

  "Shadow Akuma whirl." Hotaru spoke as he pointed one of his hands at Loki and Pisces. All of a sudden two shadows came out of the ground in a wind whirl motion and sliced through the two spirits, making the spirits as well as Lucy and Yukino to go wide-eyed. Hotaru smirked proudly as the spirits disappeared due to the damage they received from that attack.

  "Water lock!" Juvia shouted as she put her hand out. All of a sudden a large water bubble formed around Hotaru, making him go wide-eyed as he quickly held his breath.

  "Nice one Juvia." Kiyomi said as she placed her hand on Juvia's shoulder. Juvia nodded her head before looking at the male she had captured. Hotaru closed his eyes and curled up into a small ball like shape and all of a sudden, the bubble began to deform. Everyone's eyes widened as the bubble began to stretch into different shapes before finally bursting. Hakuoh created a shield to protect everyone and the books from the water.

  "How?" Juvia gasped in shock as she looked at Hotaru. Hotaru smirked as he landed on the ground. Hotaru then set his sights on Hakuoh, who frowned. She put her hand out to attack, however, Hotaru quickly put his hand out.

  "Shadow Akuma slash!" A shadow suddenly hit Hakuoh into the bookshelf. Before she could fall, shadows wrapped around her body, tying her to the shelf.

  "Hakuo-!" Kiyomi began to say as she was about to run towards Hakuoh, but suddenly a shadow pierced through her stomach. Everyone's eyes widened, as did Kiyomi's. Hotaru smirked.

  "Don't get in my way, girl." Hotaru spoke as the shadow pulled out of Kiyomi's stomach. Kiyomi fell to her knees before falling to the ground.

  "Ki...yo..." Emiko spoke with wide eyes as tears formed in her eyes.  All of a sudden shadows pushed everyone back into the bookshelves and wrapped around their bodies, disabling them from moving.


The Phoenix Guild 3: Fighting Against TimeWhere stories live. Discover now