He's back in the room, trying to grab Fon but the newly arrived p won't let her. More people rush in, he still won't stop.

One resounding slap silences everything.

"I'm ashamed to call you my grandson. Fon and the baby will stay here, go home."

"Mother will.." He begins.

"Tell my daughter if she has any issues talk to me. Now get out before I forget you're my blood."

The guy leaves, that's defiantly P'Forth's grandfather, they look so much like. He looks at me with the baby; I greet him as best I can. Then he walks to Fon, who hugs him and burst into heaving sobs, he holds her till she tires herself out.

I'm feeding the baby while the families talking, he cries if anyone holds him. Only me, P'Forth and Gran he's ok with, but Gran can't hold him for long, she has a bad back. P'Forth's with the family, P'Lam's with me in the quite veranda. He has a bruise on his temple and keeps flexing his shoulder.

"You ok p?" I ask.

"That bastard can hit hard."

"I hope P'Forth's ok in there."

"Don't worry, his main family's sensible, except that idiot."

"Fon's brother?" I ask.

"Yeh. Shit what is she going to do? she's the same age as you Yo. Forth jumps in without thinking, saying he's the father is a huge responsibility."

"He has a big heart."

"Yeh the idiot does, you'd never think so from his rough looks." P'Lam's smiling.

"Who's the p that came with the suitcase?" I ask.

"My aunt." P'Forth answers instead coming to sit near us, he looks exhausted.

"Gran has two sons, three daughters, Forth's mother, Fon's mother and Bee." P'lam tells me.

"Everyone calls her by her name, she's only 5 years older than me." P'Forth adds.

The baby finishes the bottle; I put him against my shoulder and rub his back.

"You're good at that Yo." He says.

"I used to help with Angel, Ming's niece; we baby sat when they went on date nights and occasions."

It's gotten late, P'Lam has already called and explained to P'Arthit why were not back.

The door bangs open and people walk in. its Fon's parents and the arguments start again.

There are a few camp fires and groups sitting talking around them. I'm trying to get the baby to sleep, he's been crying again.

The situation didn't get better for Fon; I didn't think her mother could have been any crueller with her words. P'Bee took Fon and the baby and came with us, she's taking them both home with her. But it's too late now, and she came on the train to stay with her parents. P'Forth talking to P'Arthit about stuff, I think we'll be going with them back in the morning.

P'Kong was walking with the baby while we ate, we didn't realize how late it was and we didn't get lunch either. But the baby's been crying again, his mother's to distraught, P'Bee took her to sleep, we said we would be ok. P'Bee hugged and kissed me when I said it.

It's too loud, P'Brights already yelled for everyone to understanding, they quietened down, but I think some of them are drunk, there loud again. P'Kong's sitting next to me humming to the baby, I'm getting pissed off as the baby gets louder, the idiots.

"Everybody shut the hell up." I yell as loud as I can standing up.

I can hear crickets, good.

I sit again, rocking the baby in my lap, he's calming down. I sing to him P'Kong joins in, the baby seems to like it, he stops crying and slowly falls asleep.

I woke up when the baby was crying again, hardly anyone's up and breakfasts in an hour. P'Forth's sitting next to me on his phone.

Fon seems to be keeping her distance from the baby, or am I just thinking too much? I ask p when he finishes.

"No you're not." He sighs. "She's so young and confused and last night's fighting scared her, God what a mess." P'Forth's rubbing his face.

"What's going to happen to the baby?" I ask

"Bee won't let anything bad happen to him Yo. Gran will help sort things."

"He's such a good baby." I say looking at him, he's smiling at me.

"I'm sorry for all this Yo."

"Stop worrying p, I'm ok. But if you try eloping with me again I will kick you." I say, he laughs.

We hear noises, P'Forth goes outside, I hurry outside when shouting starts. I go stand next to Rome.

"What's going on Rome?"

"There was an accident, I think someone got hurt."

"Get the car!" P'Arthit's shouting.

"Omg P'Bright?" Rome yells running towards the group.

P'Brights leaning on P'Nott, and following him in P'Forth holding his left arm, it's dripping blood. Dam it.

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