"Who gave you that? As far as I remember you weren't wearing this." He pointed at my dress. I shrugged.

"That maid said that Ryan sent this dress for me. Leave it. Feeling better with your hangover?" I asked him as I poured myself some coffee. He nodded. We stood silently, sipping our coffees. I was waiting for Ryan to arrive any moment. I wanted to ask Evan about him but stopped myself. I don't want to look eager to see him.

"So what happened last night?" He asked after sometime. I narrated him everything as he listened to me with concentration. When I was done, he spoke

"That guy you shot the other day in...the...warehouse...said you had unfinished business with Gonzalez...do you know him...or have you met him by any chance?" He was hesitating but asked anyway. I shook my head.

"Then why is he after you? Who are you? We've never seen you in any parties of the mafia groups that we attend. We haven't even seen you in this city area. How does he know you?" He said as he narrowed his eyes at me. I was dreading for this question to be asked.

"Why are you helping us? You should stay away from us. Why are you trying to protect us? Who are you protecting us from? Do you know anything that we should know as well? Are you here to take advantage or like a source for some other gang?" He continued as he kept his cup on the counter and took a hold of his gun that was behind his back. I should've been afraid that he would shoot me but I knew he wouldn't. He wasn't that cruel and I wasn't here to harm them. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't know why Gonzalez is behind me. I know Ryan is in danger. That's what that shooter said before I killed him. I meant no harm to you, your family, or Ryan's. I just saw him in danger and it just so happens that where I am, he is too. If I were a normal person, I would have seen this as a mere coincidence. But it's just isn't. Gonzalez is tracking both of us. I don't know why...I don't know how. The thing is...Ryan's the leader of the biggest mafia group...Adam wants that. So he will try to take his position by killing him." He stayed glued to his position hearing my each and every word. I continued.

"Remember that time when I told Ryan to stay away from me...in front of the warehouse?" I asked as he nodded.

"I wanted nothing from you two. I just wanted to stay away from your way. That was supposed to happen. You and him....separate. But I came back. Not because I wanted to. Just because I was there in that club last night. I was there to meet someone but saw that man. Adam's man. And then I realized that something was definitely wrong. And besides I want to help. Because I want help." I said as I looked directly in his eyes. He stared at me confused

"What help do you want from us?" He asked.

"I want to know what this Gonzalez wants from me? What he is planning? My family won't tell me. I know that. I need help and Ryan is the only person I can rely on for this information." I said as I sipped my drink that has now cold. I kept it down and looked at him. He was pondering, wheels turning inside his head as he decided what to say. Before he could do anything serious Ryan barreled inside in anger. He glanced at the both of us and then his eyes fixated on me.

"Get out." He said in authoritative voice. I looked at him baffled. What did he just say?

"What did you just say?" I voiced my thoughts. Evan looked back and forth.

"You heard me. Don't make me repeat." He said as he clenched his fist. He is so unexpected. I felt his words hit me like a brick. He was good till the morning, then what happened to him in just an hour? I didn't do anything wrong. Maybe he got what he wanted from me. But I should not jump into conclusions before knowing who is the reason behind his mood swings. I tried not to let his words get to me. His phone rang.

"You just called me a minute ago... I know don't remind me....don't you dare pull that card on me...I told you I'm not with any girl. We'll talk later Dad." He snapped and cut the call.

Okay so his father is the reason behind his mood swings, I guess. I shook my head. Dad had told me that Ryan and his father did not get along very well. He was Mamma's boy. I snickered at that thought.

"What's so funny?" His voice held irritation and anger. I looked at him to see both Evan and Ryan standing at the entrance of the kitchen. Evan looked confused while Ryan looked agitated as always.

Wait!! When did Evan changed places?

I rolled my eyes. They were so immature. Idiots. How were the handling their whole gang when they were having anger issues?

"Don't get your nickers in twist Ryan. I'm leaving. And thanks for taking care of my wound." I said as I passed them and left the building. A car sat on the driveway as the driver opened the backseat door for me.

"Good morning." He gave a small smile in reply as I sat inside.

"Where to?" He asked from the driver's seat.

"Royal Star restaurant." I said as he nodded and started driving. I looked back to see a silhouette of a man staring intently at the car I was in. He took off his glasses as his gaze pierced my soul. Even from this distance I could see how Ryan's facial expression changed from hard to admiration and confusion, ready to unravel a puzzle.

A puzzle that had a name...

Me...Lily Banner.

Protecting You ("The Shadows" Series: Book I)Where stories live. Discover now