"Ladies and gentlemen.  We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Draco Lucius Malfoy and y/n y/l/n in matrimony.  Throughout the time they have known each other, they have matured together and have come to the conclusion that they wish to become bonded together as husband and wife and live both of their lives side by side in marriage."

Draco gives your hands a gentle and loving squeeze and you can't help but smile at him.  The officiant gives a reading and it's now time for your vows.  Draco looks directly into your eyes and begins.

"Y/n, when I first met you, from the moment I first saw you even, I knew you were something incredibly special.  I also thought that you were the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen in my life. As I got to know you better, I realised that you're much more than a sight to behold.  You're kind and generous.  You look for the best qualities in people and I thank you every day for that.  You loving and you always find a way to make me laugh or smile even if something is wrong.  You inspire me to be a better person, a better man.  You fight for what's right and you are invested in your morals and stick with them.  You're determined and want to make a difference wherever you go and never back down.  You are the light in my life and I can't imagine it without you.  You complete me, y/n.  I don't know what I'd do without you and I can't envision standing here holding the hands of anyone else.  

You're the only one for me, y/n.  I think I knew in my heart that for a long time, even since we frist started dating, but my head knew it when we got split up in the war.  Every minute of every day, even when I was asleep, when we were apart I kept thinking about you.  You were the only thing on my mind and you still are.  That's why, I, Draco Malfoy, promise to love and care for you every day of your life.  I promise you my compassion, my care, and my fidelity.  I vow to always protect you and be there for you no matter what happens as we age arm in arm.  I will treasure you and hold you forever.  You are my joy and my happiness.  I'm yours, y/n and I will cherish you for the rest of my life and beyond.  You are my one true love and I will never stop loving you."

"Draco, when  first saw you, I didn't know what to think.  You were, to be honest, a bit abrasive and standoffish, but I could see that there was an amazing person inside that shell of yours waiting to get out.  I was most certainly right.  I remember, when you first asked me out in fifth year.  You took me to Hogsmeade, I remember.  We bought butterbeers and sat and talked in the Three Broomsticks for the whole day.  You opened up to me in a way nobody else had before.  That was the first time someone had really connected with me.  I felt so comfortable having a conversation with you. It was amazing.  You get me, Draco Malfoy.  From that point on, I knew you got me as a person.  You understood.  You listened.  You cared like nobody else ever did. 

You are so, so cunning and smart.  You really are a true Slytherin, my love.  Once you set your heart on something, you go and get it.  You inspire me as well, Draco.  I could go on and on all day about how truly amazing you are and that's why I y/n y/l/n take you, Draco Malfoy to be my husband.  I promise you my fidelity and support in life.  I promise my companionship and my faith.  I promise that I will always be there to be a shoulder for you to cry on or a partner to dance with, even if you do step on my feet once in a while.  You are what makes me happiest in life.  I wouldn't marry anyone else.  I will never leave you, Draco Malfoy.  You're just too special.  That is why I want to live the rest of my life with you, hand in hand."

"Now, do you, Draco Malfoy take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the officiant asks, leaning towards Draco. 

"I do.  I'd be a complete idiot to say no," Draco laughs.

"And do you y/n take Draco to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"Yes!  A million times yes!" you exclaim.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mister and Missus Malfoy.  You may kiss the bride."  

With that, Draco jumps forward and grabs your waist, and flips you around so your back is to the floor, pulling you into a passionate kiss like no other.  The crowd cheers and claps below.  Your mother is crying again.

"That's my baby!  Oh!  My baby's married!" she cries, clutching a blue handkerchief in her hands.

You cup Draco's cheeks with your hands tightly, deepening the kiss.  It's pure bliss.  The rest of the world fades.  It's just you and Draco.  You're lips separate momentarily and you stare into each other's eyes.  Draco is grinning widely.  He slips his arm down and picks you up and begins to carry you back down the aisle.  Rose petals fly and the blur of people continue to clap and cheer for you two as you exit the hall.  

"We did it Draco," you say, tightening your grasp for support as he carries you.

"Yes we did, Mrs Malfoy," he says, pulling you in for another kiss.  This one was even better than the last if that's even possible.


A/N: Hi!  This chapter was 1,746 words!  Thanks for reading!  I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!  Requests are open! 

- Soiea 

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