Part 4

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In continuation:

As he said that his voice sounded as though he would breakdown any moment, but he held back his tears got up from the bed and walked over to a violently crying Prussian and hugged him as tight as he could and Gilbert cried his heart out on how careless he had been about his brother {I looked it up and it seems that Prussia is like Austria's step brothers please do not spew hate if I am wrong} Even though he was in pain all that came out of his lips were soothing, kind and loving words. Finally when Gilbert calmed himself a little he looked at the smaller man with glassy eyes and asked "How long has this been going on for?" to this Roderich kept silent again but looking at his crying brother he finally said" From 1918." Gilbert gasped and Francis from behind exclaimed "Almost a century !Why didn't you tell us earlier ?You could have really died " to this Austria snapped "I am better off gone". Gilbert held onto him and hugged tightly tears again streaming Roderich did not hug back .He pushed away from the hug and picked and wore his shirt and marched off to the hall leaving the two alone while Prussia continued to sob and France walked over and lent him a shoulder to cry on and said "You know even Angleterre has a similar problem but since Mathieu , me and Alfred have been around he has been getting better all Austria needs is family beside him....... He doesn't want to feel alone and wants to feel loved that's all"{Get the reference it's from Dysfunctional Family by fullofcraziness} Gilbert nodded and wiped off his tears and made his way to the hall and Francis called Antonio and Ludwig and explained the situation to them . While in the hall Gilbert stood beside Roderich as he played a tune and started singing

Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like me?
Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?
Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me?

Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?

Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?

Just then the doorbell rang and Francis got the door to see a panting German and a very angry Spaniard , without warning Antonio rushed past Francis towards Roderich where he turned the German sitting on the stool he got hold of his collar and started yelling "Why did you do it you promised not to hurt yourself while I was gone Why. WHY?!!!" he broke down crying as he said those words the Austrian pushed down his hands ,adjusted his glasses and returned to his original position while a Prussian bent downwards to the crying Spaniard and held him as he violently sobbed into Gilbert's shirt while Austria continued

Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?Austria was playing the Piano as he normally would but something was different from usual he emitted a deadly aura which made Germany unconsciously  back up .

Saying that you shouldn't waste your pretty face like me?

And all the people say
You can't wake up, this is not a dream
You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
With your face all made up, living on a screen
Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline

Ohh ohh oh ooooooooo  Austria abruptly  ended and looked at the two people crying on the floor. Prussia shot a tearful glance at the Austrian and weakly said "You lied. Why ? Roderich Why?" The said Austrian glanced at his clenched fists with his head bent low and replied "I didn't want to be a bother to you all especially after all that I have done Please forgive me" Germany came forward and engulfed Austria into his large arms and quietly said "Only if you tell us the whole and complete truth and let us help you bruder." "Very well then .........It really begun after the discontinuation of the Habsburg empire in 1700." Everyone in the gasped and Antonio got up to his feet slumped over to Roderich and drearily asked him to take off his shirt to which the Austrian gave no answer the Spaniard again spoke up and said "Take it off or I will rip it apart..........DO IT NOW!!" his voice was loud and filled with anger by the end of the sentence. The Austrian replied while taking off his shirt "I suppose I deserve your wrath this time" revealing  numerous scars all over his body some very old some as fresh as though it were made a couple of months ago along with a few major scars indicating suicide attempts . Spain grabbed hold of him by his hands a looked him straight into the eye while saying "It'll be alright we'll all figure this out........Just let us Austria." Austria ignored the sobbing Spaniard and continued with his despondent demeanor and asked whether anyone wanted anything as he made his way to the kitchen only to be stopped by the Frenchman and  he was soon seated on an empty settee, while the Frenchman continued towards the kitchen and was deciding on what was to cooked for dinner as it was getting late.

{ Song:Gasoline by Halsey

It is AWESOME!!!!! I really have no idea of what I am trying to do it seems that no one reads this scumber  so well I am slowing my pace now but I think some angst is due in the coming chapters. So STAY TUNED!!!***####}

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