Part 9

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This is the Author not Hannah: Sorry for not updating, Finally Enjoy!

Key: Erin- Italics, Hannah- Bold, and Helen- Underlined.

"Erin I swear if you ask me one more time..." I said.

And then started cursing. Ugh I wish I was never an unnatural. I was still trying to find out what Hannah was, but Erin came up to me and kept asking to teach her about warriors and magic. I glare at her and hold out my hands like I wanted to strangle her, which I wanted to. Helen immediately ran out and held me back as I ran toward Erin.

I took a deep breath, while Helen tried to explain to Erin to not disturb me. I took another deep breath and walked toward Hannah. "Hold your palm out." I said.

She does, she held out her palm, and I slowly touched it. I make a circular spiral on her palm, while Helen and Erin watch in amazement, the spiral glowed. Truthfully, I didn't know what I was doing, it's like my mind knew what to do in a situation like this. Do not ask me how.

I looked at Hannah, who, looked at me like what the heck am I doing? I just concentrated, on what?... I don't know. I felt something and my mind reached out to it. When I fell. Not in the physical sense, but like in a mental sensation. Confused? Yeah me too. (It was creepy, like... my best friend, doing magical stuff on me, that I don't even understand) I fell into a huge room, I think. At least that's what my mind said.

It felt cold, I was wearing different clothes, a pretty dress with pink creme and black roses on top. I was also wearing... MAKEUP! (Walk away) (Whatever you do, do not look her in the eye) (Guys we should run...) I fumed, who and why put makeup on me? "Where am I?" I had called out loudly.

"In a Room" a voice replied.

I roll my eyes. My magic had a sense of humor. "Ha ha." I said.

"Ha ha" it mocked me.

I take a deep breath and said "Please, tell me where I am"

It sighed. "You're here to meet my mistress"

"Okay, why the dress and makeup?"

"You need to look worthy while meeting my mistress"

"Worthy of what?"

"Of leading the quest" a different voice said suddenly.

I looked around, I saw a shadow to my right.

The woman stepped into the light. She was tall and pretty. She wore a old timey dress, with ruffles near her neck. A thin chain with the letter S hanging from it. "Hello dear" she said "My name is Madam Spitzawoski."

She looked at me weirdly. I bet I had an expression like Is-Even-a-Name?! Seriously though, Is that even a name?! I'm not kidding. I'd really like to find out the answer to this. (Sam get over it) But- (*gives pointed look*) No seriously though.. Come on! Hannah, Helen?... Fine! Be like that! (Moving On...)

"For Years I've made sure, all quest leaders are worthy." Madam Spitzawoski said.

(Spit...woski...) (She's rolling on the floor, laughing, clutching her stomach right now)

*time skip, while Sam keeps laughing*

Okay sorry, I'm... But spitzawoski... (Sam!) Fine, fine.

"How do you do that exactly?" I asked.

"We give them a test." She replied

"What test?" I asked back, slightly nervous.

She just grinned, so did that guy who talked to me, that time. It was creepy. I leaned back a bit.

"Why do I have to take the test? I can just go back, at least that's what my brain says." I said.

She nodded. "You can go back, but that already means your a coward." She said "Plus, if you win, It will unlock your true powers and I will tell you what magic your friend has."

I frowned. "What true powers?"

She just smiled lightly this time. "I know that your an unnatural, dear."

I narrowed my eyes. "You seem to know an awfully lot about me." I said

She just smiled her creepy smile. I leaned back

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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