Chapter Four: Short Leash

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Lyxton and I had discussed females before he had been taken. I knew it was time for us to find suitable breeders but there were very few pickings for that. Fae were not compatible for offspring, humans were but the birth killed the breeder and the shift would kill the child. It was best not to endure such pain and so we avoided them completely.

We had both decided we would require femaleweres. I knew would be difficult to find one but I also knew that with time we would have found at least two we could protect and keep happy. After all femaleweres chose their males based on heritage and strength. Nothing that Lyxton and I lacked. Any breeder I would have taken would be pampered. It was what they deserved for creating life.

Find witch

My instinct hissed it at me, its agitation once again rolling through me, punishing me for not listening. It did not understand plans. It relied on actions of my own, not the actions of others. There was a curse from the witchling and when I glanced over my shoulder she was limping, glowering darkly at nothing in particular before she looked up at me, as if sensing my gaze on her. "Can we stop?" There was a faint edge of pleading to her voice and I shook my head, despite the faint pang within me that the poor female was delicate and was more than likely not used to the punishing pace I had set out on.

"Keep movin', pixie." At my words there was a muffled angry sound from her that had my mouth twitching. I wasn't sure if it was to smile or to frown. For such a timid thing she had a mouth.

"Asshole." The spat out word had me stopping and I turned around, looking at the small witch. She glared at me, her expression dark with anger.

"Pardon, pixie?" I moved closer and she glowered back at me, her jaw set in a position that told me all to well she had deliberately said it loud enough for me to hear.

"I don't have shoes, you forcing me to walk anyway makes you an asshole." She looked more than vexed with me as she gestured at her feet, wincing as she shifted on them. "I just want to go back to the shop! I have nothing to do with any of this." I looked her up and down, only half listening to her. She had a nice form, thinner than most but I could tell that she had the curves required to make a male want her.

I slowly walked around her, letting the chain dangle from my hand as I did so. "Ye help me, pixie, ye get yer gold an' I get my witch." When I once again in front of her I yanked my hand back, the chain catching the back of her free ankle and sending her crashing to ground with a small, surprised cry. I crouched down beside her as she sputtered, sitting up with a dark look on her face just barely covering a wince. I held the thin chain up, could feel the magick thrumming through it as she glanced at it and then back to me. "I hold this, pixie, don't ye forget it. What I say goes." I stood back up. "Get up, we need t' keep movin'." I turned around, not waiting for her as I started walking away.

I had no time for idle chit-chat, no time to speak or wait for delicate females to keep the pace. I felt slightly bad for it but there was little I wanted to do to rectify it. The witch had my brother and I wanted him back. The little witchling was just a means to an end. There was no tugging from the chain, letting me know she was once again walking. "She won't come for me, you know." Her words were clipped and I shook my head.

"Pretty witchlin' like ye bein' taken by a werewolf will have tha' witch up in arms." It was one thing I knew for certain. Witches did not like werewolves taking other witches. Besides I stole her from the dusty shop, breaking the magick that bound her there. Taking someone's slave would be enough to piss off anyone.

"You are naive." The witchling stressed the word, derision coating her tone thickly and I whirled around, pointing at her as I snapped my teeth together.

"Say one more word, pixie." I glared at her, daring her to push me more. My instinct still wanted her tormented and tortured for information and I wasn't above doing as it asked.

"Its Violet." She glared right back at me and I rolled my head on my shoulder.

Punish female

My instinct started pushing at me hard and I tightened my hands into fists, claws pressing into my flesh. "Ye are testin' patience I doona have." I watched as her defiance slowly disappeared, her disgruntled and vexed edges disappearing as she once again turned into that timid mouse.

"Why do you care so much about Irma anyway?" She muttered the words glancing at me but no longer glaring her fear slowly growing, slowly wafting off of her.

I scanned her face, faintly appreciating the beauty it held. She was a finely made female. "Goin' t' kill her." I turned around, once more moving through the trees, the little witchling following me like a dog on a leash. "Goin' t' kill the bitch." I snapped my teeth together at the thought of the witch's throat between my jaws. How I would enjoy ending her life.

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