parents |g|

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g r a y s o n ;

"Come on, y/n! I've met your parents, and all I ever talk about is you, my mom and dad really wanna meet you." Grayson exclaimed as you continued writing an essay for uni.

"Gray, you know how I am with meeting new people. They won't like me and they'll stop you from seeing me." You stood from the desk, going downstairs to get a glass of water. Grayson followed closely behind.

"They're gonna love you! You're smart and funny and gorgeous. What's not to love? Plus, I don't think it can go as wrong as it did when I met yours." He gave you a pointed look, to which you let out a deep breath.

"Fine, but we're stopping for ice cream after."

"Deal." He linked his pinky to yours, grinning widely.

It'd taken nearly an hour to drive from your and Grayson's house to his parents'. You had to admit, it was weird that you'd never met them, considering you moved to New Jersey so that Grayson could be nearer to them.

He went to open his door, but you stopped him, telling him you wanted to sit there for a minute. He reluctantly relaxed back into the leather of the drivers seat, resting his hand on your thigh.

"It's gonna be okay. And if, at any point during the next few hours, you wanna leave - just say the word and we leave, okay?" You nodded to him, leaning over and kissing his cheek thankfully.

The two of you got out of the car and made your way to the front door, knocking politely and waiting for someone to let you in. You stood awkwardly for a few seconds, Grayson sharing a few nervous glances with you every so often. But, eventually the door opened, revealing Ethan and cameron. You were relieved they'd be there too, as you were close with both of them.

"So, y/n, what do you do?" Sean asked, smiling politely at you. You loved his family already, they were all so warm and welcoming. Not at all the way your parents were when they met Grayson. Though, I suppose dads are reluctant to let their babies go and moms are relieved that their sons found someone that'll handle them.

"I'm still in university at the moment, I'm doing all my courses online. But I've started making videos for youtube too, recently." His parents nodded, taking a bite from their dinner and sipping on their wine.

Grayson smiled at you, seeing that you were relaxed already. His hand found yours and gave it a light squeeze. When you looked over at him in confusion, he gave you a cute smile. You tried not to blush as you busied yourself with the food in front of you.

"Y/n, honey, could you pass the salt?" Lisa asked sweetly, eyeing up the fancy glass salt shaker next to you.

"Of course!" You chirped, picking it up, but massively underestimating how heavy it would be. It fell from your hand and rolled off the table onto the floor. It was silent for a few seconds - clearly the salt shaker was some kind of family heirloom.

"I'm so sorry!" You started, letting go of Grayson's hand and looking over at Lisa.

She smiles, waving her hand in the air, "Don't worry, these things happen. It's not as bad as the smashed vases from indoor soccer games." She glared playfully at her three children who all laughed, looking at each other, almost proudly.

You smiled and internally sighed with relief. But there were still nervous butterflies in your stomach. Grayson, noticing this, stood from the table.

"Mom, I'm really sorry, but I don't feel too good. We're gonna head home before I ruin your new carpet." Lisa nodded, secretly knowing the real reason, but was too happy his son was so in love to say or do anything.

"It was lovely meeting you, y/n. We'll see you again soon."

After a silent journey home, you slowly got out of Grayson's car and headed into your house.

"That was so embarrassing. I feel awful. Should I get them a new one?!" You asked after a while, taking a bite of the ice cream Gray hadn't forgot to stop and get you on the way home.

"Don't be so paranoid, they're fine. My mom just messaged and said she had a wonderful time and that she's happy I found someone so genuine." He came over to you, stealing the ice cream off of your spoon and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Come on baby, let's go get ready for bed." You trudged behind him, up the stairs. When you were both ready and tucked up in bed, he turned to you, wrapping your body up in his.

"Now all that's left now is my parents meeting yours."

Because that would go down great.

whoopdy doo, another update.

loving this chapter's picture bc I want the twins to come back to my city (England lololololololol I'm relevant) and it's been nearly a year and I have mad withdrawal symptoms.

Sorry for any grammatical errors - I'm currently sick and tired ♡

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