in the dark |e|

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Bursting through the front door, Ethan ignored you and went straight to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. You paused in the kitchen, stirring your and Ethan's dinner over the stove. When it was finished, you'd decided Ethan had sulked for long enough, and made your way through the small apartment. 

Knocking softly on the en-suite door, "Ethan? Baby, dinners ready!" Moments passed, and when you still didn't get a response - the only sound being the running shower - you attempted to open the door. To your surprise it was unlocked and opened to reveal a half naked Ethan Dolan. 

He was staring at his reflection in the mirror with a disgusted look on his beautiful face.

"Ethan?" You said softly, trying to catch his attention. 

His eyes snapped to you in the mirror, as he pretty much growled, "get out."

"What's wrong? What happened?" You hesitantly moved closer, but as you did the scowl on his face grew. 

"I said get out, y/n. Just leave me be." He growled out again, slamming his hands down on the bathroom counter. 

"Stop doing this, stop leaving me in the dark! It's not fair to come home and be angry then not let me help you. I have no one to turn to here, Ethan. No one but you and I can't keep doing this if you won't let me know what's going on!" You placed your hand on his muscular arm, rubbing it soothingly to relax him. 

He turned away from you, running his hands through his hair in frustration. 

"Why are you holding back from telling me?" You didn't like to admit it but you were always paranoid that Ethan would end up cheating, after being cheated on by your last serious boyfriend. 

"Because it has nothing to do with you!" He turned back, with a face like thunder, but you could see how distraught he was just by looking in his eyes. His phone, that was sat on the counter, lit up. You noticed he'd changed his wallpaper, to a picture of the two of you and all of his family. 

"You miss them, is that why?" Moving forward again, cupping his face in your hand, you smiled at him. "I miss my family too, everyday." 

You and Ethan lived in LA. It was only meant to be temporary but you ended up staying for a little longer than expected. He breathed out a sigh of relief. 

"I hate it here. It literally sucks the life outta me. I miss Grayson, and Cameron - which I never thought I'd say - and my parents. Oh my god, do I miss my moms cooking." You both let out a little laugh.

"Let's move to New Jersey." You stunned both yourself and Ethan with your sudden outburst, but he grinned back at you. 

"Really? You're sure?"

"Come on Ethan, we're nearly 25! You're gonna have to pop the question at some point and then we'll need somewhere to settle down. New Jersey is that place." 

Somehow, you both ended up in tears of joy. Ethan wouldn't shut up about hoe amazing your first house together would be, with as many dogs as you could fit and eventually a child or two. 

And whilst the two of you were in the shower together - and even later that night, when he was sat across from you, eating his dinner. That was way better than his moms, but he'd never tell you or her that - he couldn't help but be glad that he'd left you in the dark. 

I always think my endings are terrible. I never know how to finish them off. Anyhow, I really want to marry one of the twins. Like idk, I'm off school today and my mum and new baby sister are asleep so I'm sat here in silence, writing this. Ugh. Being a 16 (yeah my bday was last Tuesday (19th September)) year old sucks balls

apologies for any spelling errors. When I reach 100 imagines I'm gonna go through and edit them all so there aren't any mistakes. 

hope you all have an amazing day/week/month/year/life

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