stronger together |b|

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I'm not in anyway - by posting this imagine - making light of the video.

I love the twins. I will always love the twins and have since I found them on vine back in 2013.

g r a y s o n :

It was the middle of the night, when you were woken suddenly by rustling downstairs. You panicked, thinking someone had broken in, but relaxed when you saw the empty spot in bed beside you.

You tiptoed down the stairs, shivering slightly as your underwear one of Grayson's jumpers wasn't enough to keep you warm on that slightly chilly night.

"Gray?" You called into the darkness. The rustling continued and you received no reply. You stumbled into the living room - finding Grayson sat on the edge of one of the couch cushions, head in his hands. He was having a panic attack.

You sat near him, making sure to not touch him as sometimes it would only make him panic more. But he turned, pulling you into his arms. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, one hand wiping away his tears before playing with his floppy hair.

"You're okay, I'm here." You muttered to him repetitively. The pair of you rocked back and forth.

"Sometimes I just feel so alone, but feel like I'm not allowed to have those feelings because I have thousands, million of people there for me." He struggled to speak through a loud sob that wracked through his body.

Your hands moved to rub his back, "Grayson, you're never alone. I'll always be here, next time wake me up, okay?" He nodded at you, although you knew he wouldn't ever wake you when he felt like that, he didn't want to burden you.

"We're stronger together, Grayson. Never forget that."

e t h a n :

Ethan's fist collided with the wall, at such a force that when he retracted away, a giant hole remained where his hand once was.

"Ethan - Ethan, calm down." You caught his attention, sitting down on the couch. He rested his head against the evidence of his outbreak.

"I can't do it anymore! I just can't." He banged his hand once more against the wall, before slowly walking towards you and sitting down next to you.

You let out a loud sigh, resting your head on his shoulder. Ethan didn't cry often, he would always say it was embarrassing, that it should be boyfriends that comfort their crying girlfriends, not the other way around.

But when you felt a tear drop on your interlocked hands, you knew you couldn't let him play it down. You stood up, holding your hand out to him. Eventually, he took it. And you pulled him into the kitchen, pulling out a jar of cookies and putting the kettle on to make tea.

When it was done, you both went upstairs, carrying your treats with you. And as you lay in bed together, eating away your troubles, Ethan turned towards you.

"I don't know what it is about you, you take away all the bad feelings-" he stopped himself, not sure how to word what he was trying to say. "I'm stronger when i'm with you. Mentally and physically." He winked and you threw your head back, not believing he was making inappropriate jokes after the serious conversation you'd had.

"We're stronger together, E-tee-wee-tee."

i love you guys, hope you have/had an amazing summer break. mine's only just starting.

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