being his girlfriend |e|

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> hell lotta PDA (obvs)

> having stupid inside jokes that no one gets

> being in his snapchat story 24/7

> him constantly slapping 'dat ass' (trying to hard to be relevant, I'll go home)

> cuddling

> wearing his hoodies

> him playing with your hair

> "babe, let's go make-out."

> late night talks where you spill out how much you mean to each other

> him spoiling you rotten

> pouting when the other declines a kiss

> "you're so short y/n." ( bongwaterbrown )

> making you blush in front of his/your friends

> him getting flustered (follow my twitter @flustereddolans #SelfPromo) when you compliment him

> being best friends

dolan twin imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora