you're not alone

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That video is so powerful. I wish I was able to speak to them, have a decent conversation.

My heart goes out to their family and I pray that Sean is okay.

I couldn't imagine them ever having to deal with all that stuff and it's scary how none of us knew about their anxiety. Obviously we knew they had trouble sleeping but there was no way we could've seen their actual mental wellbeing.

In all honesty, I wouldn't mind a week or two without a video. They put too much pressure on themselves to get stuff out for us and it's not masking them happy. Well it is and it isn't. The stress they go through probably out ways the happiness they get out of it.

These boys are my life and if they stopped doing videos because it wasn't making them happy anymore or if anything were to happen to them I genuinely don't know what I'd do with myself. This may sound really dramatic but they made me love myself more again, they've made me actually want to try and be happy.

This video inspired me to say thank you to someone that I probably haven't before. pia_stoney thank you for letting me hold your hand (play with your thumb nail whatever) when I'm having panic attacks in assembly and thank you for reassuring me when I get insecure.

I honestly love you so much and I don't know what I'd do without you either.

Anyway, I hope you're all okay, if you need anything you can always talk to me.

〰 lyl 〰

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