Smoked Iron Part Two

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"Don't be upset, it was my fault" Mal's raspy voice broke over the mumble of tears and husky breaths. Everyone in the room turned to face Mal, their eyes glowing with fresh tears. Ben and the VK's rushed to her side. The VK's all sat around Mal's bed with gigantic smiles while Ben took Mal's hand firmly in his as he pressed a small but loving kiss to her forehead. "Don't you ever be sorry Mal" Evie's voice broke between each word. "You gave us quite a scare Mal, don't do that again" Jay warned in a jokingly manner. Carlos couldn't wipe the huge smile off his face, he was ecstatic that his Isle sister has woken up. Ben couldn't keep his eyes off Mal, his smile ran from ear to ear while tears slipped between.

Belle slowly but surely made her way behind Ben, she placed her fragile hand on his shoulder "How are you doing honey?" She wanted to shed a tear but she had to be strong for her son, husband and her newly adopted family members. "I've been better if I'm honest, but It was my fault, if I had just checked first or.....or" Mal kept putting herself down until Adam placed a firm hand on her forearm "We all make mistakes Mal, don't beat yourself up over it" Mal could only shake her head in response. Carlos crept off the bed to go and inform Dr Pistachio of Mal's awakening. The six figures sat there in silence until Belle cut through it "Adam, Ben, I believe that you both have a press statement to write, Correct?" both men shook their heads while Mal kept looking at one another to figure out what Belle meant. She was about to ask but that's when Carlos returned with Mal's Doctor. He ran a few basic tests and took some blood, he checked her charts to make sure that everything was normal "Well Mal, there is no reminiscence of the Iron in your body anymore which is good and your stats seem to be fine. A couple more hours in here then you're free to go home. Your Majesties" The Doctor then proceeded to leave Mal and her family. Adam and Ben went to the back of the room to start to write the press statement.

"Belle, what are they doing?" Mal's voice was still a bit raspy and broken but she managed to get her words out. Even the rest of the VK's were curious as to what they were writing so they came closer to Mal to receive some answers. Evie and Jay were next to Mal and Evie was stroking Mal's hair, Carlos sat at the end of Mal's bed with Dude. "They are currently drafting a press statement, it's nothing to worry about. It's simply to keep the kingdom informed about your condition and how you are coping." Belle sat in the armchair next to Mal's bed and took Mal's hand in hers. "You're important to this kingdom Mal, a lot of people look up to you. Plus as the king's consort, the kingdom needs you to be happy and healthy, see nothing to worry about" As Belle finished explaining, Adam passed a piece of paper to Belle which she happily passed to Mal.

Due to the incident that has happened on Saturday night, the Kings Consort, Miss Mal has fallen seriously ill. Miss Mal was struck with illness due to a simple poisoning on one of the House of Beauty's Cupcakes which they had received during the day. After being Rushed to the hospital, Miss Mal fell into a small coma which she has awoken from. The hospital has cleared her and she is ready to return to Castle Beast to rest and recover. Miss Mal and King Benjamin do not resent the House of Beauty and or hold any hard feelings or grudges as this was a simple mistake which anyone could have made.

Mal kept reading over the note, her facial expression stayed the same as she re-read it for the sixth time. she passed it back to Belle "Yeah that's fine" Adam seemed pleased with his work as he left the room to go and publish the statement. Mal rested her head back into her pillow and watch the ceiling as if it was some TV show, mesmerized. Evie eyed the boys and Belle which gave them a clear message -let's give these two some privacy- "We are going to head down to the small café, we still haven't had breakfast" and with that comment, they were all out the door. All that remained was Mal and Ben. Before she knew it, Ben had run to her side. "Mal you really don't know how much I missed you. I swear I couldn't do anything ever again if I lost you" Tears were forming in his eyes "Please Mal if you do one thing in your life, make it to not leave me" Mal had a few tears dripping down her face. "Ben, I promise, I love you, Ben. Not even an Iron filled cupcake can break us apart." Their foreheads touched as they shared the moment of intimacy. They couldn't hold back any longer, her lips met him as they engulfed each other in a passion filled Make out session. They held onto each other as if their lives depended on it. As they separated for air, Ben came down to Mal and whispered in her ear "Come home Mal" at that point Ben knew he had found his one and only.

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